Stars & Stripes moulding


True Grumbler
Jun 11, 2002
Houston, Texas, USA
Anyone have experience with the "American" moulding shown in the full page ad for Art-O-Rama in DECOR or have any contact info for them? There's no contact info in their ad or in the advertiser listing in the back of the magazine.

I have a customer interested in something like that for a baseball park map ( HERE ) and I don't have time to send in the readers request card and W A I T

So far customers for this poster have just wanted simple metal frames without glazing so they can put their ticket stubs, snapshots and other souvenirs on it. This one is going into a game room with a baseball theme and they want it to "look nice".

Suggestions for other suppliers with similar mouldings would be greatly appreciated.
I didn't notice the Art-O-Rama ad and my Decor is at home, but Nelson Moulding in Michigan has a 1" flat blue moulding with American Flags inlaid in a natural center panel.

I could probably photograph it and post it if it sounds at all interesting.

I saw that ad and had the same reaction. The needed to include some pertinent 'data'!

In the meantime, contact ORR Moulding if you'd like. They are in San Leandro, Ca. @ 1-800-833-3131

They have a few patriotic mouldings......much like that ad. One is red/white/blue = ORR7495 (blue background with white stars in the innter part and red/white stripes along the outside part)

They have the same pattern in all gold w/silver starts (ORR 7947) and all silver w/gold stars (ORR 7946j). It is very nice.

Also, they have a nice 1" (harder to describe) with navy blue with ivory inlay with small American flags running across the ivory at about every 1 1/2' apart (ORR 7160)......also nice.

Wish I had pictures for you - might give them a call.

I saw that ad and had the same reaction. The needed to include some pertinent 'data'!

In the meantime, contact ORR Moulding if you'd like. They are in San Leandro, Ca. @ 1-800-833-3131

They have a few patriotic mouldings......much like that ad. One is red/white/blue = ORR7495 (blue background with white stars in the innter part and red/white stripes along the outside part)

They have the same pattern in all gold w/silver starts (ORR 7947) and all silver w/gold stars (ORR 7946j). It is very nice.

Also, they have a nice 1" (harder to describe) with navy blue with ivory inlay with small American flags running across the ivory at about every 1 1/2' apart (ORR 7160)......also nice.

Wish I had pictures for you - might give them a call.
Ron, I would be interested in seeing a picture of that Nelson moulding. If you could post a picture that would be great. Or just send it to me directly along with a contact number if that would be easier.

Thanks Jerry - I'll give Decor a call.

Sherry, thank's for the info on ORR Moulding. I'm also working with an artist who is a staff sergeant in the USMC that I've been trying to help out a little. He's done a very detailed drawing of the Marine sword with a complete history of the USMC up through Operation Iraqi Freedom along the bottom in small cartoon like characters. It's really well done and I've been looking for a special moulding for it. ORR sounds like they may have what I've been looking for. I'm planning to get in touch with a group called Marine Moms to see if we can work out some kind of fund raiser for them selling his art. They have a lot of items that were donated to them and now they're trying to raise funds to ship it to Marine units around the world. I just want to have a good design before I approach them about it.

Thanks again to all . . .

I would lay odds that the moulding Ron describes is the same ORR moulding (navy blue with flag inlays) I mentioned. Sounds like it to me.

Enjoy all your great projects....I just LOVE the patriotic opportunities!!
Don, This in Nelson L-585.

Nelson's Moulding and Frame in Traverse City, MI

They are lovely people to do business with. If you mention my name, I think I get a new Land Rover. It's possible I misunderstood.

This moulding sounds just like one of the Orr mouldings that Sherry mentioned.

For scale, these were photographed on a 1" grid.


I probably should have rotated that second photo 90 degrees clockwise. I get a little vertigo looking at it.
I have the samples from Art-O-Rama and just got in some of the moulding.
There are three sizes (the one in the ad is 3 3/8" wide) and they all have raised fields of blue with the stars, and the red and white stripes are at staggered heights as well.
The middle size is like the big one in profile, except it has only 2 rows of stars and the stripes (4 of each) are narrower. Overall size is 1 3/4". The back of the moulding has 3 parallel flutes, whereas the back of the larger moulding is smooth.
The small profile is a reverse with a single row of stars on the blue field on the face of the lip and the reverse beveled outer face having 3 white stripes and 2 red with the back being smooth red. Width is 1 1/4".

Finish is good, though there is an antiquing over-glaze that tends to mute the colors a bit. The white is not nearly as glaringly white as the photo in the ad. The blue is based on more of an aquamarine color, with the glaze bringing it to a deeper tone. All the colors modulate with the thickness of the glazing that gives it a nice antique look. All the colors and shapes are further defined by having some relief from each other. The stars are embossed on the field of blue, and the alternating stripes are at two levels.
Its all done on a relatively soft wood that cuts easily. There was a little warp in one of the sticks I got, but it joined just fine.
Art-O-Rama's phone is 800-421-2438
The moulding no.s are 5316, 5317, and 5318 in assending sizes.
Yep - it's the same as Ron's! Great pics Ron and the grid is a perfect feature!!

Wish I could take pics of their other mouldings and put them on this...rumor has it you have to be a rocket scientist and I only understand vertigo!! Sorry.
Thanks Wally for the detailed description of the Art-O-Rama mouldings. You seem to be the only one who has figured out how to contact these folks. They're sure spending a lot of money for advertising - seems strange there's absolutely no information any where in the magazine on how to contact them.

Actually I think the ad may have been in PFM and not DECOR - I don't have either here to check.

Ron, thanks for taking the time to take and post the pictures. That was helpful. Good luck on that Land Rover!

Now I need to go order some corner samples . . .
I thought this might be worth mentioning -

If anyone has customers that are baseball fans you might want to take a look at one of these baseball park maps I've been framing. There's a link in my initial post above. I bought 20 and have sold almost all of them - most of them framed! :D

Having the All Star game here in Houston probably helped . . .
Indian River (800-644-6733) has mouldings similar to the one posted by Ron, but with a cherry finish instead of blue. (C-169 - 1 3/16" and C-168 13/16") Both of high quality with real marquetry.

Pat :D