Stacking glass... to do or not to do ??


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 20, 2005
My questions is, weight issues aside; Can you stack UV glass to increase the protection?

And am I correct to say that it'll provide 91% protection? Assuming that one sheet of 70% UV blocking glass will leave 30% unprotected, and stacking another sheet will provide another 70% to that left over 30%. Therefore only 9% of UV rays will penetrate?


The % of blocking referes to frequency coverage (spectrum range) as well as the quanity. If it filtered would not like the color of the art under the glass.
If you could filter out 100% of the UV, the art will still be affected (fade) by the rest of the visible light spectrum.

Keep important art and artifacts away from bright (even reflected) light. Just like the museums do.
am I correct to say that it'll provide 91% protection? Assuming that one sheet of 70% UV blocking glass will leave 30% unprotected, and stacking another sheet will provide another 70% to that left over 30%. Therefore only 9% of UV rays will penetrate?
Tru-Vue conservation products filter 98%, so the only reason to "stack" is for aesthetic reasons, for example in conjunction with Framespace to create a layered presentation.
If you use regular reflective glass on a poster of Bella Lagosi.... can you still see him?

If I put Museum glass on a Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, and Greatful Dead at the Filmore West poster.... and it filters out 98% of the ultra-violet light.... will it still glow under the black light? Or just 2%?
<font size=3>Sure, Baer, one duck is both the same.</font>

<marquee><font face=madrone color=green>Good grief! Baer’s tripping again.</font></marquee>
BTW I had a customer bring in a print I framed 2 years ago with TV-CC. The artist's (ball point pen) signature was faded away. WHY?
Bob, Did you read what Greg wrote? The UV filter slows fading down. It doesn't stop it.

Of course, the following can be found on under glazing options!

UV Protection
This option allows you to hang a print in the sunlight or florescent lighting without worrying about it fading.