stacking 2 metal frames

Farm Girl

Mar 19, 2002
Centreville, Va. 20120
Is it possible to stack 2 metal frames? Couldn't find that anyone had done this in my search of the Grumble. I am talking about stacking 2 Nielson 117 profiles. It is a clean, architectural look, I am hoping it can be done!
In Ireland we have a very restricted range of metal frames… it is not something I could do…….but when I was in the US last year in Atlanta one of the moulding suppliers (sorry I cannot recall who) has a range of metal frames stacked and I thought they looked superb ……..they just looked elegant ……….and I thought they would look great in an up market location like a board room or a customer reception centre……just two locations I can think of now….

I think Nona Power also showed some stacked metals at a class I took which she conducted one time….

How you stack them I don’t know how ……..but I’m sure you will get the answer here….

I think stacked metals are just one of those items you could sell that would set you apart from other framers….

Good luck

I have stacked metal frames quite a few times. Usually one of the profiles fits in to the other, or there is a "clean step" that one of the standard peices of hardware (like the Euro-hanger) can be placed into overlapping the other profile to hold them together.

Nona will probably have a better idea, but for two 117 profiles, I might try oen of those right angled hangers put into the front (inner) frame and bend it up and around the back (outer) frame.

I have no doubt it can be done. the minor challenge is figuring out which piece of hardware to use.
Do a search on "metal and wood together" there are some good threads. one called getting out of your comfort zone.
I'm teaching a stacking class in Atlanta this Sept., I have lots of new ideas, if your around, come to it. I'll show lots of metal and metal but also wood and metal.

In the meantime, if you can keep the feet all on the same level, setting one style inside another, that works the easiest. One of my favorite combinations is the 87 inside a 58 set on the lip of the 86. It’s held together with an omni hanger put into the channel backwards. If you chose a profile that has a slight foot, you can set anything on the foot and again, the omni hanger placed backwards will hold them together. I love the elements stacked two or three deep with just the omni hanger. It’s a really nice way to get a very wide moulding. Metal finishes are so good in most interiors now.

I’m going to show a flat backed square profile like a 97 cut backwards to use as a spacer. The back would be on the inside instead of the outside. The outside would be against the rabbet of the shadow box moulding. The hardware fits it in the usual way and it makes nice spacers. An Elements would look really good in a large shadow box and would help give the box stability.

To stack the 117, unless you can come up with a custom made hardware to hold them together, a hole can be drilled in the side of the inside 117 and hang the outside 117 off a screw you put in the hole. Assemble the inside one with the screws in the right place and assemble the second one around it. I’ve done several of these with profile 71 and they come out very well. (I used to come up with custom made hardware for stacking but Tim Dykstra showed me the screw idea and it makes life very easy.)

This is as clear as mud I’m sure. Trying to describe something in a few words is not easy. I need my hands to wave around a bit to help with the description. The main point is to play and see how the combinations go together. There are dozens and dozens that give a distinctive look, for a good price and yet are easy to assemble.
Nona and all,
Thanks for the suggestions. I am offsetting the frames, or there is a foot, as you described it, I think. I thought I had a custom hardware solution but couldn't get it to quite work. However, it appears that 2 small binder clips per side, words wonderfully. It is very secure and and won't release. The levers, or small wires that you squeeze to open the clip, are removed after set in place. I am amazed that they seem to work so well. Very Easy, also!