Spell Check


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 18, 2001
Mansfield, Ohio
Is there anyway to do a spell check on the Grumble? If the Grumble doesn't have one is there a way to do one of your own (other than a dictionary for every word).
One possible idea is to type your replies in MS WORD and then cut and paste them here. (or cut and paste them from here to WORD)

This will give grammar and spelling checks.

Someone else may have a better idea...

Not to worry, Purple Person. I checked your message over and the spelling appears to be perfect. The punctuation and capitalization need a little work, but the spelling is just fine. ;)
Hey Purp, Considering you were struggling to even get your signature to show up a very short while ago, you have gotten fairly fancy schmany with your animated images. Very clever, you apparently are a fast learner. Her I am languishing way behind the pack with my very simple image. :rolleyes:
Kathy, Thank you very much. I am almost as passionate about learning everything there is to know about computers as I am picture framing. I have a long way to go and no one close at hand to teach me. I have not yet had a computer for a year. Friday will be the big anniversary.
Not to be left out of the learning curve, how do you exchange the standard avatars Bill has provided for one of your very own-y? I have a bunch of things on file but can't get them into the avatar space. Help?
Well, hiss boo. Moderators are no better than we. I suggest an uprising: a meeting will be held, dinari paid, pamphlets distributed. We shall overdo. (Has this ever worked?)

P.S. I was just kidding. Moderators are the best people in the world, especially the moderator of THIS forum.

Thank God for moderators!
My apologies to Merps Mom for playing with her message (the first mortal sin of moderating.)

I frequently second-guess Framer, and that's what I'm doing here. If we all started using multi-gigabyte animated avatars, The Grumble would grind to a screeching halt, especially for those of us using dial-up internet access. I suspect that's the reason for the option, in our profiles, of shutting off everyone's avatars when we read The Grumble.

I found out just how distracting an animated avatar can be when I used, for about three hours, a large dancing bear. (That one should be Denny's.) It drove me crazy almost immediately. When Rebecca mentioned she liked it, I knew it had to go! So I switched to a small, discrete GIF that I still use.

MM may have been kidding - I'm not certain - but moderators AREN'T any better than anyone else - certainly not any more mature. It's just that there aren't very many of us, so it's difficult for us to do any serious damage. Doesn't keep us from trying, though.
Holy Cow. And all because I want a golfer for an avatar......
She doesn't have to move: just hold that lovely follow-through.

Yes, sure, Moderators are the best people in the world. (I can't believe I said that?)
Purple Person,

I don't think your doggies are going to cause any problems. You worked darned hard to get them there and I wouldn't expect you to give them up now.