Speed mat cutter for sale


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 5, 2001
Portland, Maine, USA
We have a 40 X60 Esterly Speed Mat cutter (wall-mount) with oval and sizer attatchments. 7 years old. Works like a charm. Sells new for about $3800 asking $1200+freight.
Our CMC is coming on Monday :eek:
Amy, are you sure you want to get rid of the Speed Mat? I'm only slightly familiar with this machine, but do you use it to size boards, including fomecore, or cut glass, including ovals? You won't be doing these things with your CMC. I'm sure you've thought all this out, but I'm always curious about what equipment people use for which functions.

(I'm assuming you didn't buy a Mat Maestro.)
I concur with Ron...be really sure before you sell it.

I have had a 40x60 Speedmat since about 1987 and am keeping it for sizing mats and foamboard.

It is also a backup matcutting system in case my Gunnar Rapido (CMC) spits the dummy!