
Would it happen to be moulding id's in the range of NCW* ?

I am aware of some bad data that was recently passed to the POS vendors which could have caused some mouldings to vanish. (sent with 0 cost in chop field)

Mouldings that are manually input, regardless of the vendor selected to be updated, are deleted when you select the "delete discontinued" option.

If the Moulding ID is not in the price update file, it will be marked as deleted within the database.

If a vendor updated its file and removed spaces, dashes, slashes, etc; then the Moulding ID that you are accustomed to using may have been converted to a different format and just be giving the appearance that they have been deleted.

Try running the INVENTORY: Price Update Activity report to see if the mouldings that have been discontinued are listed as NEW in the report and also New Discontinued in the report.

The good news is that you can undelete them at anytime. Tech Support should be able to walk you through the process.
Which version 2.80 or 2.85?

Have you contacted Tech Support? I just updated NC last week and none are New Disc and several are New.

Run the Inventory: Price Update Activity to look for format changes rather than deletions if you have not done that yet.

The updates are just copied and pasted from what the vendor supplies; so most mistakes as you describe will be tied to the vendor rep that transmitted the file to SpecialtySoft.
Thank you to both Rick and Mike. It looks like the companies made the changes you talked about along the way. I'm not going to worry about it any more.
But you may hear from me again. Great to see this Grumble is so active. Thanks again.