Specialtysoft s/w Tips & Tricks

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
As framers, we have a lot of things on our plates. Speaking for myself, some things get neglected because i'm comfortable with them and because they work so well. This thread is an opportunity to re-visit pos software, catch up on the newest features, review some old features that we may not be aware of, discuss backup methods, review documentation, and to share tips and tricks.

This thread was started to exchange tips and tricks which specifically relate to this software product, in the positive spirit of the grumble. Everyone is proud of their investment, so I have started one for each of the top 3 products. (others are free to start threads if you have a product not mentioned) Opinions about other products, feature requests, tech support, bug reports, and complaints DO NOT belong in this thread. Such things should be communicated directly to the vendor, through their official support channels. This is about helping each other in a positive way.

How do some of your favorite features work? Are there any tips that may benefit users of the same product?

With that, I turn the floor over to you...

Mike, co-moderator
Computer, POS, & CMC tech tips forum
Last edited:
I use the purchase order system quite a lot for moulding and mats. It seems to work quite well for me and saves me some work.
The POS and Reports get more sluggish as the database grows and is modified. Every other week or so, run Basic Maintenance Utility which is found in the SpecialtySoft POS folder installed on the desktop. Some reports will see a 10 times improvement in speed. Below are the options for both databases. Note: The POS must not be running in order to perform this operation.

Database Utilities:
Primary POS database:
Repair and Compact

Database Utilities:
Reports Database:
Cannot Locate the file Reports97.mdb Do You want to locate? YES
Backup one folder level and doubleclick Reports97.mdb
Click YES
How 'bout SpecialtySoft Questions?

I can't seem to sort out adding supply items to inventory, though the manual makes it seem possible. I'd like to be able to click a check box to order a box of glass (and subsequently keep track of how much I've bought)

I've also had a few mats which I know exist in the database because the entered easily in the POS screen, but when I got to make a Purchase order they don't appear in the "Needed" list. ?
I am trying to obtain a report that I can use for mail merge purposes that will show the customers that haven't been in since mmddyy. I can get the report that shows the names, phone #'s, & total amount purchased but I can not find out how to get a list with their names and addresses. Anyone know how??? Thanks, Chuck


Sales: Top Customers by Total Purchase Amount

There are options for date range, amount spent and have not been in since (date)

You can view the list,
You can print mailing labels
You can "Print to File" which opens up options for bulk mail format, mailing label format, or email.

Mailing Labels: Mailing Label Options 5160/D
will give you labels sorted by various fields and also has a "Print to File" option.
Specialty Soft Tips


One of the essential steps in maintaining your SpecialtySoft POS data is performing a backup. Have you ever arrived to work, ready to open your frame shop, only to discover that your computer has caught a virus, or worse your hard drive has crashed? Your day doesn’t get any brighter when you also learn that all your data is lost. Unexpected events such as these can occur and dampen your day.

SpecialtySoft can help prevent the loss of your POS data,

SpecialtySoft framing software comes equipped with a Database Backup Tool to assist you with performing a backup of your data as often as you would like. With a quick double-click of the mouse, the backup is performed and you can save the backup files to a secure location off of your computer.

How does it work?

The Database Backup Tool can be accessed from the Utilities icon found within your SpecialtySoft POS program icon group.

Simply double-click the Database Backup Tool and the system is performing a backup of your SpecialtySoft POS data. Depending on the size of your database, this may take several seconds to complete.

At the completion of the backup process, a separate window will open revealing the backed files and their location. The default location for the files should be C:\Backups and is revealed to you in the Address bar. A date and time stamped folder will be created and placed in the Backups folder containing the files listed below.

Ø MCPrices – Database of additional pricing for number of corners in a mat design. Used with computerized mat cutter.

Ø PO_Data.MDB – Database of all purchase order data.

Ø POSMDB.MDB – Master database file containing customers, inventory, orders and quotes, etc.

To ensure a secured backup of your data, save the files to a location off of your computer; i.e. CD-RW, thumb-drive, etc.

This simple task can be completed by following 4 easy steps:

1. Highlight the 3 back up files.
2. Right click on the highlighted files.
3. Select <Sent to>.
4. Choose location to send files.
SpecialtySoft - Price Update Activity Report

Price Update Activity Report.

How does it work?

The Price Update Activity Report can be accessed from the Reports System icon found within your SpecialtySoft POS program icon group.

From the Reports System menu, select the Category – Inventory.

Scroll down list of reports and select Price Update Activity. You can double-click report or click the View button at the top of the window.

By default, the report will show you everything provided through vendor update. All statuses, all vendors and every material type are auto-selected. You may narrow your selection by de-selecting any options before viewing the report.

After your selections are made, click View.

You may browse through several pages of the report by using the Page arrows found at bottom left corner of reports window.

Helpful Uses:

Use this report to filter down to a specific mat or moulding supplier. Than select the discontinued status only. Instantly, at your fingertips, you know what has been discontinued from that supplier. Now, you can pull the moulding corner samples off the wall and mat corner samples from your mat selection.

If you utilize our barcode labels to price your samples, this report will also list any cost changes from the supplier. Immediately, you become aware of which samples need new barcode labels.

Helpful Hints:

Moulding ID's are represented by the Vendor ID as a prefix to the supplier’s Product Id.

Example: Larson Juhl (LJ101221)

Mat Ids are represented by the first character of Vendor ID as a prefix to supplier’s Product Id.

Example: Crescent (C-1021)

Take advantage of other tools within the Report System. This report allows you to export data to a specific file format. Simply, click on the envelope with paperclip icon and select your chosen format.

You may also decide that it would be beneficial to send the report to an MS Office application such as MS Word or Excel. Click on Office Links to accomplish this.

The Price Update Activity Report is only one of the many valuable reports that can be found in the Reports System application. To access more information on reports available through SpecialtySoft POS, refer to the Reports section (page 117) of your SpecialtySoft POS User Help Manual.
Did You Know???

You have a high level of control in appearance and readability when viewing inventory and customers. The next time you go to Moulding Inventory, double-click the title bar of the window. The window will become full-screen. Click on ‘Font’ in the menu bar and adjust the font size for the moulding inventory data displaying in the window. Use the ‘Sort’ option to change the moulding id numbers from ascending to descending order.

Take advantage of these great tips in any window displaying in grid view.
Map Point and Specialty Soft

One really nifty report from the Reports Window is the Top Customers list. Once this report displays, you can export this to multiple Windows applications including Word, Excel or Map Point.

Simple go to Reports > Sales > Top Customers by Total Purchase Amount and then export.

These reports can be edited or if you export them to Map Point you can view all of your customers viewed for a time period, in this case since January...


Here's a close-up of our city, where one can see which neighborhoods are being reached by our marketing...


Or I can blow this up closer and examine individual streets... one customer at a time....


This is pretty slick......I'm finding it very enlightening.

Reporting problems via e-mail

Did you know that in addition to calling Tech Support with a problem or issue, you can also e-mail the issue to them? The e-mail address is techsupport@specialtysoft.com.

Also, you can send an e-mail with suggestions you may have for future enhancements or changes to the software. The e-mail address is wish@specialtysoft.com.
speciality soft question

when a client brings in their frame and you want to get the exposure of the mats to fit between the art and their frame....

is there a way to enter THEIR frame size and have the software compute the correct mat exposures? Build from outside to inside?

It can be done in Quick Frame.

Type in the image size then hit "Fit to Frame" and enter the frame dimensions in.
thanks Cliff...one of my accounts was asking me this - and I knew a Grumbler would know!!! It has been at least 5 years since I actively used the program, and my memory isn't as good as it used to be either...!!!!

thanks again
Hi! I have the lovely pleasure of getting an as yet unused installation of SpecialtySoft up and running live. So fun! I'm trying to go step by step checking how the default pricing compares to our manual price schedule, and also with materials cost. Today I'm working on mats. I can see the various price groups where I can adjust pricing manually by setting specific prices based on united inches. This looks like it will be the way to go to maker sure the minimum size price covers the cost of the material. Is that how these kids are doing it these days? Or are you taking a loss when you have to order a full size mat for a small 8x10 order and crossing fingers it gets used?
Also, in order to adjust the calculated pricing of a group I'd like to see which actual numbered boards are within a group, is there a way I can see an inventory list that shows which mats are in which group? In the Materials maintenence application I'm prompted to enter a "from" and "to" field of values, but I'd like to know which numbers are in which group. Does that make sense I hope?
imaluma said:
...Today I'm working on mats. I can see the various price groups where I can adjust pricing manually by setting specific prices based on united inches. This looks like it will be the way to go to maker sure the minimum size price covers the cost of the material. Is that how these kids are doing it these days? Or are you taking a loss when you have to order a full size mat for a small 8x10 order and crossing fingers it gets used?

Actually, many framer actually carry inventory as opposed to using your distributor's warehouse as your warehouse. I'm trying to be funny and serious at the same time! ;) But let's say you stock say 50 of your favourite and best selling matboards. You don't have to show everything to the customer that they factory makes you know... instead have a second caddy of mat corner samples that you go to for Special Orders ONLY. And this way you can reach for that broader pallet when the size warrants the use of at least half sheet or more.

imaluma said:
..Also, in order to adjust the calculated pricing of a group I'd like to see which actual numbered boards are within a group, is there a way I can see an inventory list that shows which mats are in which group? In the Materials maintenence application I'm prompted to enter a "from" and "to" field of values, but I'd like to know which numbers are in which group. Does that make sense I hope?

Actually I believe that there is a report that will produce this for you. Go to Reports > Inventory and see if it is there (as I am currently not at the shop, I can't look this up for you.). If you can't find that report, do give Olivia a phone call and she will tell you where it is, lickity-split! :)

So, I'm moving along getting this POS set up and we have hundreds of inventory items like photo frames and gifts in stock here, constantly being sold and replenished. In order to sell these items in POS they need to be added, is there a way I can import the item #s when I update from vendors? How do I include these vendors if they don't pop up in the vendor mapping list?
So, I'm moving along getting this POS set up and we have hundreds of inventory items like photo frames and gifts in stock here, constantly being sold and replenished. In order to sell these items in POS they need to be added, is there a way I can import the item #s when I update from vendors? How do I include these vendors if they don't pop up in the vendor mapping list?

Ah... this is why it took us from 1999 to 2001 (About 14 months) to totally implement SpecialtySoft in our shop! Tweaking the framing table for Specialty Charges, Glass types, and moulding vendors was easy, but it was inputting all of our gift vendors and inventory items, THAT SIMPLY TAKES TIME.

Sorry, but there is no easy work around. Although there are some general inventory items like oval frames from Presto and metal frame kits from Nielsen-Bainbridge, you will have to add most of the others.
  • First create a new Vendor/Supplier and use a two letter code that is not already used by a moulding vendor that you use! If you haven't already printed that list from the reports or the pdf manual, this would be a good idea.
  • After the Supplier is created, you can then add inventory items coded to that supplier.
  • If one of your gift items that you are adding has a true UPC barcode on the packaging/box, be sure to scan that in while entering the new item. Then the POS will read both the UPC barcode OR the ID number / barcode and will point to the same SKU.

We actually keep a bar code scanner in our shipping & receiving area for the primary purpose of receiving new product. You could slowly work through each gift vendor and for something that isn't in the POS at the time of a sale you can ring it up under a misc item ID number.

You may have already solved your issue, since your question was asked a couple of weeks ago, BUT, just in case, AND IF I am understanding the problem correctly:

You can set up a general item so that you can sell an item that doesn't show up in your inventory. I set up AFGENERAL (using AF for Artfully Framed), and when I type that in it prompts a second box where you can enter a description, price and cost of the item you are selling "on the fly". As new inventory comes in, you receive it in the system inventory. During slow times, you can add a vendor and inventory to the system. At least this way you don't have to cobble together tickets.

This is certainly something you want in place, because there are times something just won't scan and you do not have time to look it up while a customer is impatiently tapping their foot.

THEN, if you sold something that way that you are pretty sure WAS already in your inventory, you can run a report in the SALES report section--top selling general items. That will give you all general inventory items and you can quickly scan the list for that day or week, and then go through and manually hunt down and adjust the inventory in the inventory screen. Needless to say, if it is something in inventory, you don't want to do this except as a last ditch effort, because you are creating more work for yourself at the end of the day, BUT, it is a way to keep your inventory accurate.

Also, you said "an as yet unused installation of SpecialtySoft". Does that mean someone purchased it and then never used it? Again, just in case, make sure the annual support plan is paid up. You will save a ton of time and heartache by having Olivia just a phone call away. Everyone there is so good to answer any question and trouble shoot any problem.