Specialty soft

So Tim, what makes it your favorite? Have you tried many others? I've been debating on getting SpecialtySoft for a while now so I'm interested to hear what features you like the best.

have "posessed" it for over a yr and while I like the people and the look/feel(for the most part, I haven't REALLY "used" it, either as a 'system' or as a piece-meal application).

I do have issues that havent been addressed starting with the HELP facility/manual---it really isnt of much help(they seldom are)--just isnt basic & xref'd enough---was written by the programming staff(those guys who know great heaping gobbs about what/how they do, but precious little about how to convey any of it to you--I know, I was a programmer for 32yrs and never saw one of us write anything too "helpful" !). Help materials should be written by people who have almost no idea what's going on--that way they can explain everything about everything and how each thing realates to everything else--and do it like you were the idiot 5yr old that you are(knowledge wise).

I have had a problem getting customer service (read that tech desk)both getting someone on the call in and getting them to return calls..the calls seem to disappear, or something.. Seem to always take more than one call/email or both to get feedback...they do seem to know the answers, but it seems like pulling the proverbial chicken's teeth to get response.

Then there was the 'upgrade' that put UPC codes onto the invoice and prevented me from using the entire name of my business("art gallery" was "art gall")...a major reason I'm really not 'using' the product...the problem's been around a year, or so, and still hasn't, to my knowledge, been fixed.

I haden't done a download price update for some time, so this week I tried it...the user/password I have written down as being the most recent didn't work--sent email asking for solution---it's now the end of the week & still haven't heard from them.

is this typical??? I'm pessimistic enough to think it probably is fairly typical....

I'm convinced the only way to decide what is really USEFUL to you is to talk 2 or 3 of those who already have/use a package into letting you bug them for a couple of days to actually get to see/feel how things fall into or DON'T fall into line.....NOT an easy task, yes?

all the demos in the world won't replace an actual 'hands-on' in a 'real' world situation.

sorry this turned into such a LONG reply.
I tried Specialty Soft for two months and didn't care for it.

If you want a POS that will help you manage inventory, this is the one for you. It's also very good at statistics; for instance, you can track each employee's sales per week and get an average $/order figure.

However, I use POS only at the design counter (because a design counter is all I've got)so I switched to FulCalc because it works better in that application.

Little things make a big difference. If you have an opening size of 9 1/2" in Specialty Soft it's
9 ENTER 1 ENTER 2 ENTER; FulCalc is 9.5 ENTER.

I also find the FulCalc frames-and-mats-to-be-ordered print out easier to read than the Specialty Soft equivalent.

If I tell FulCalc to do something, it does it. Specialty Soft asks "Are you sure you want to do that?" Maybe it's just me but after the 127th time, that gets to be annoying.

I think Specialty Soft is geared toward larger operations than the one I'm running. What software works best for you is going to be determined by how you want to use it and what you are expecting it to do.
