Filtering to allow only emails from those on your mailing list, as you say, excludes Grumblers who are contacting you for the first time. And a list of blocked senders does not work for the pro spammers, since they change small details of their email address with each mailing. You may block only to get the same junk from the next day.
There are utilities, some of them free downloads, that allow you to block messages containing certain key words or phrases in the subject line. I haven't investigated these thoroughly, since I use Hotmail, which has this utility built-in. I have 25 custom filters set up that block messages containing words like 'adult', 'mortgage', 'debt.' The bonus is that, if I get a message with a subject line like, "Why can't you act like an adult on The Grumble?" it will be blocked!
This strategy has been so effective that my spam has been reduced in a few weeks from several dozen each day to about one each day.
Today I received three messages that were not blocked but ended up in my junk folder for examination. Two contained viruses and the third contained an offer for a new virus checker. My Norton Antivirus is always on full alert and my virus definitions were only 3 days old, so it appears I'm okay. I ran a full virus scan and the system is clean.
BTW, Hotmail did not catch these viruses. They were picked up by Norton's in Outlook Express, which I often use even for my Hotmail account.
I'll do some checking on the filtering systems available and post my findings here.