Spam law a matter of fax?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dermot
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Like a growing number of people fed up with annoying online marketing pitches, Mark Reinertson decided to take his grievances to court. And like many other antispam activists, he brought his case before a small-claims judge and eventually won a ruling against the defendant, in this case Sears Roebuck, which was ordered to pay $539 in damages last month.
March 26, 2003, 4:00 AM PT

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I used to get upset with paying for spam on my fax machine. Now I have my computer receive my faxes using Winfax. It cost less than $10. All I do is use my delete key.

The only problem now is that with an incomming fax the screen jumps to the fax window and I have to click to my previous window to continue on what I was doing.
If you are using XP, go to the XP Power Tools page and download Microsofts Tweak UI file. Once installed, start the application, go to General > Focus and select "Prevent Applications from stealing focus".

There are a bunch of other cool features too.

PS: Tweak UI is available for other versions of Windows too, but I don't know if that feature is included.