SP2 One More Time


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
It looks as if I may go ahead and try to uninstall this. Don't want to, but I'm spending lots of hours trying to figure out the changes it's made and I don't have that much interest anymore. Minor things have added up and it's a distraction.

I guess I can always reload it, but does anyone have any warnings about uninstalling? I'm worried that I won't get back to whole and have been told that System Restore may have been reset by SP2.
You are scaring the heck out of me as I have yet to install SP2 for this very reason......all I can do is wish you Godspeed.
Dear Bill,
Thanks for the encouragement, but you could just be the exception that proves the rule...I'll continue to be wary......

yours truly,

Well, Kathy: don't do it. Bill, I'll bet you followed every rule. I didn't even KNOW about most of them. I'm probably just a whole lot dumber than I thought or this is way more complicated than it should be. It's buggered a bunch of my programs.

Do you know if I can safely just kill it? I've spent all day today trying to fix stuff and I can't. Any help or advice would be most appreciated, and I'll hold off for awhile on the uninstall.
Hi Merpsmom

You installed it with an existing problem, which may have been amplified a bit. I don't think this is a fault in SP2.

SP2 is very important and I don't suggest using Windows XP without it, especially if you're on dialup or on broadband without protection of a router or firewall.

If I recall you had installed MYOB and then MusicMatch Jukebox, and MusicMatch took over ownership of that file association/type?

Do the files end in ".PLS"? If so, both programs make use the same filenames. Whichever one was installed last will automatically open those files. They conflict and are fighting over the same name.

.pls extension is claimed by the following programs:
DisorderTracker2 Sample
WinAmp MPEG PlayList file
Shoutcast file
MYOB Data file

Boxer1 gave good advice in the other thread, but i'll re-post the solution here in different words. This should get you straightened out, but it may break the MusicMatch from opening playlists from a shortcut.

Click Start, click My Computer, and then locate the folder where your MYOB data file lives.

Right click on the MYOB data file (ends in PLS and may have a MusicMatch logo on it currently).

Click PROPERTIES from the menu that comes up.

In the box that comes open, click CHANGE after it says "OPENS WITH".

A list of installed programs will come up and MYOB should be on the list. Click on MYOB, make sure "ALWAYS OPEN WITH THIS PROGRAM" is selected, and hit OK.

Close any remaining windows and give it another try. Instead of trying to open your MYOB data file as a MusicMatch "playlist file", it should instead load the MYOB program.

I hope this is helpful. Have a great weekend!
Mike - I have noticed that a lot of things seem different since I installed SP2. Like one of my address books in Excell went blooie again, and Word seems wonky now. It keeps closing and then "saving" my documents and I end up with multiple copies of docs some of which look like Greek (to me!).

Plus there was that CD burning problem I had a while back. Hmmmmm...

Could it be SP2 doing ALL of these things???
I seriously doubt it, but one never knows. I have personally installed SP2 on over 100 (client) machines and only had one with a legitimate problem.

Did you know that WORD/EXCEL/ACCESS/POWERPOINT and OFFICE have an auto update system too? It's important to keep them current so you'll be up to date.


I suggest visiting that site, but have your original CD handy. Sometimes it'll ask for it. Office has hundreds of bugs, in MS tradition.

For CD burning, Nero is pretty good.

[ 02-20-2005, 06:53 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
I am using a not-so-new HP notebook that came with that devil-spawn OS, Windows ME.

After trying, unsuccessfully, to install 98 SE over ME (I viewed this as an upgrade; Microsoft did not) I bit the bullet and did a clean install of XP Home Edition.

When it came out, I bit another bullet and installed SP2, except this bullet was free.

I lost almost nothing when I installed XP and, as far as I can tell, nothing at all with SP2. I will not encourage anyone to install SP2 because, if you do and you have problems, I'd rather have you blame Bill Gates and Mike Laabe than me.

I will tell you that this HP Notebook shouldn't even be able to run XP or SP2 at all and it runs just fine.

(Well, I did lose the monitor a while back, which is a serious concern with a notebook, but I don't think that's OS-related.)
Some things that can cause problems are, not following any instructions with updates, like turning off the Anti Virus. Running more than one Anti virus or firewall. This may mean turning them off in XP if you prefer third party software.
Some audio visual software can cause problems by hijacking file extensions. Some software bundled with things like digital cameras are known to cause problems.
Keep ALL software including XP updated on a regular basis. Get some cleanup software "Registry First Aid" is particularly good for keeping the registry clean. "Window Washer" is good for removing redundant files, cookies etc.
Think of it the same way you do your car, and what would happen if you didn't get it serviced.
I have SP2 on three computers, and never have a problem.
Good advice, all, and obviously too late for me. I'm happy for all the satisfied customers: I'm not one. I'm angry at the situation because I truly do not think you should have to be a certified tech to load patches to one of the most ubiquitous machines in the world made by one of the most nimble of minds.

Mike: I've followed your path for two weeks. MYOB is an application/executable. It is not on the list of programs which comes up. I browse, find it, no option allows me to ADD it to the recommended list. I'm religious in my slavish devotion to instructions. Deviation doesn't work either.

I have gone back to my old CDs on which are my pre-SP2 backups for both MYOB and EZFramer/nuTech. Before SP, I could get into both from the backup CD. Not now: nuTech says it's already running, MYOB (MusicMatch icon) says the C:/Plus8/Plus8/affo_00 is not a valid Win32 application. (That's one of my annual data files.) Both worked fine before.

I have WinXP loaded on purchase from Dell two years ago, as well as SP1. Isn't there a firewall on this computer? I have NortonAV, am always up-to-date on it. Isn't there a firewall with that as well?

I'm sorry to be negative. Not usual. After working with this for two weeks and getting error message after new warning message, unhappy phrases are creeping into my conversations. Things like, "Well...whaddya know!" and "Shucky darn, it didn't work again." A solid week of the flu, three days lost to this, and Bill Gates can take this computer, his OS, his patches, and...

Perhaps you could engage Mike (That’s of course if Mike is willing to support a remote computer) to help you with some tech support…….there is a facility with Microsoft XP that allows for someone remote to you to enter your computer and trouble shoot, you need have no fear of invasion of privacy as you can sit and looking at your screen at what is going on, I know that I have that option filed away in the back of my mind if ever I’m in deep trouble with my system……..that’s of course if Mike would be willing to undertake the work and if I can afford his rates.

BTW Mike you might like to give us some indication of how you charge for computer support and how it would work in reality and if it works……..that’s if you are in a position to undertake remote work……..then again I could hop a flight to JFK and drive up to you………at a push it could be an option to fly to JFK…..given the difficulty getting someone in my part of the world that really knows what they are doing with computer software.

Mike if I have suggested something that is not within your remit please accept my apologies.

MS Netmeeting is the utility that IT support uses, from about 600 miles away, to remotely access our terminals at my new job and walk us through technical problems.

It's an eerie experience - not that I EVER have technical problems.
Dermot, I almosr did that deal with a stranger helping me move my accounting from the desktop to the laptop. (Not exactly a stranger: got him from a vendor website.) I believe I add some software program that allows him to work on my computer from his. I actually figured all the transfer out myself because I was a bit leery of the unknown entity.

I'd trust Mike with anything. How 'bout it, Mike? Of course, I think we'd all understand if you blanched and ran from the room. You have a life, after all.

Friend of mine just mailed me the name of "a nice Indian man" who helped her out. Not exactly the Geek Squad but something like it. Might have to consider that option. Being unable to back up my stuff scares me, especially when I think it's backed up and it really isn't.
It seems you can access a remote computer using WinXP for trouble shooting using email,if both PCs use Outlook or Outlook express or similar MAPI email software.(Look at Help & Support Ask for assistance)
Ive never tried it, but am prepared to give it a go if anyone is interested.
Email: mick@pictureframing-uk.com
Im in the UK (GMT time zone) so please take this into account.
When I got my computer de-bugged and operational a coupla weeks ago, Tommy installed SP2. I have the utmost faith in him, as he had the first computer I ever saw, and would write his own programs in DOS.

He cautioned me that SP2 had a higher level of protection than regular XP, but not to be surprised if the computer did bizarre things occasionally. Well, it does.

On some forums on the G, I can select a thread, click, and I get a "Page Cannot Be Displayed" message, suggesting I 'refresh'. Refresh works, but I find that 'Back' works equally well. This problem is not consistent. Might be one thread today, and another tomorrow.

Lately it seems to take great delight in giving me a window on the home page that says, "You must download MSN Messenger 6.2 for your computer to wrok properly." I cheerfully check no, and okay, and it goes away. The computer works without MSN Messenger 6.2 just fine.

There are two other things it does, and I know this is beating a dead horse, but it only does it on the G! I have the little clock in the lower right corner, but I STILL don't have a time/date stamp anywhere on the G.

The other happens often after I've read a post on any forum, I hit the 'back' button, and the order of the threads is all ka-floowey! They have rearranged to a former order. Like from the day before. Hit refresh, and it behaves. Tommy's computer did the same thing when he accessed the G.

I'm with Cathie on this: I resent having to pay for an OS, and have it suddenly branch out on its own, leaving me dazed and confused!
Ready or not, Windows XP update is coming

Published: February 25, 2005, 10:21 AM PST

By Ina Fried
Staff Writer, CNET News.com

Microsoft is alerting customers that it will soon start delivering Windows XP Service Pack 2 to all customers using Automatic Update, whether they want it or not.

In response to requests from businesses, Microsoft last year released a tool that allowed companies to continue using the automatic update feature but temporarily block the security-oriented update from downloading.

However, the grace period comes to an end on April 12. Microsoft has posted a warning on its Web site, alerting people about the impending deadline.

"Time is running out!" Microsoft said. "Please note that the mechanism to temporarily disable delivery of Windows XP SP2 is only available for a period of 240 days (eight months) from Aug. 16, 2004. At the end of this period (after April 12, 2005), Windows XP SP2 will be delivered to all Windows XP and Windows XP Service Pack 1 systems."

Microsoft first released the SP2-blocking tool in August, saying it would allow customers to put off the upgrade for 120 days. In September, Microsoft said it would double the length of time, to 240 days, to give businesses more time to test the software.

In a statement, Microsoft said it is sticking to that schedule.

"SP2 is an important, free security update for Windows XP customers that is already delivering value to over 180 million customers worldwide," said Jon Murchinson, a Microsoft product manager.

The move affects only those who use Windows' automatic update to connect directly to Microsoft servers. Some businesses have reconfigured the automatic update feature to connect to their own corporate update servers. Those companies can continue to push out updates to their own schedule.

While recognizing the need for customers to test software, Microsoft has been urging businesses to move to SP2 for its enhanced security benefits, particularly for portable machines that frequently travel in and out of a corporate firewall.

Source: http://news.com.com/Ready+or+not%2C+Windows+XP+update+is+coming/2100-1016-5590501.html?part=dht&tag=ntop&tag=nl.e433