South American Silver


Dec 15, 2002
Homer, NY - The center on NY State
I have a customer who came in today with two velvet boxes. Each containes a spun silver object and a plak commerating a trip for Rotary. He would liked them framed on the velvet insert object is mounted to(like a jewlery box). His concern is silver tarnishing.

Is it possible to frame without tarnish and how do I seal frame? I know I can seal glass with silicone(?) but how do you keep air from passing through back?

Instead of using mat board as a backing, cover a piece of foam core with silver cloth.

That's the stuff that is used to line chests for storing silverware.

Usually you can find in it brown, navy, or burgundy. It is expensive; expect to pay around $30.00/yard.

OR - you could finish the back of the frame with turn buttons and the customer could open it up and polish the silver as needed.

Someone, perhaps 3-M, had small tapes you could stick under the shelves of china closets, etc. to prevent tarnish. I believe the Pacific Silvercloth already suggested works because it has silver in it, and draws the pollutants which cause the tarnish in as a "sacrificial" material. However, neither of these can be considered permanent options, and the silver will eventually require maintenance, so I would opt for a frame that could be opened in the future.
A sacrificial product called corrosion intercept is available from University Products and can be included in the frame. If you are prepared to do a sealed frame you can include oxygen scavengers and desiccants as well. As Jerome pointed out there is certainly going to be some maintenance in keeping the silver shiny regardless.
I will look into the fabrics suggested. I think that the client thought it could be sealed to NEVER tarnish. I tried to say otherwise but said I would ask "the all knowing group" on here. I will se what he wants to do.

Thanks again for suggestions.

If it is only the oxygen that causes tarnish, you could have a sealed package created that would have the air purged with argon or some other inert gas.