Source for LARGE round frames?

Rick Granick

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Resource Provider
Jun 30, 1999
Cincinnati, OH
A client is looking for two circular frames 48" in diameter, approx. 6 to 6-1/2" moulding width. These will be used to frame large needlepoints to hang in a church. The frames will be painted to match the trim in the church, so a raw wood would be fine.

Anyone know of any sources for this ?

:cool: Rick
Rick, I spent a lot of time investigating a similar request a few years ago. I came up empty.
I will suggest 2 areas to check out. First, a good lumber company that buys corner moulding, perhaps their sales rep can do some investigating for you. Second, check out a good cabinetmaker / furniture maker in your area. Perhaps they will have a suggestion.
Bottom line, good luck with this one.
Try “Strong Joint” out of Walpole, NH.

They don’t have a web site that I can find, but their number is (603) 445-5211.

I don’t stock any of their items, but I have seen their work and it appears to be of very good quality. In an old catalog of theirs, they claim they can make custom sizes of ovals and rounds – (in hardwoods only?) I’m guessing that they are reasonably expensive for custom jobs, though.
Rick, have you tried a company called InLine Ovals? They are in Cut Bank,MT. I got one of their catalogs not too long ago and it says "Custom Frames: We will make virtually any size or shape frame" Looks like some pretty nice mouldings too. Their website is phone is 1-800-456-1232. Hope you can get what you are looking for.
Thanks. I actually have ordered from them before, but I didn't know they did custom sizes. I'll give them a call.

:cool: Rick
A local cabinet shop that has a cnc workstation can make these out of MDF in a matter of minutes and you wont have to pay for shipping. Most cities the size of yours will have a handful of cabinet shops with this capability.
Inline Ovals also does custom glass work. I once had a very odd shaped picture that a customer brought in for repair. The convex bubble style glass was broken. I sent Inline a pattern of the frame and they made a perfect duplicate of the glass that fit perfectly. If they have the large round frames that you are looking for and you want to put glass on them they should be able to supply that as well.
I have used a company here that custom fabricates windows and doors and they are set up to make very large window that are round I would think other large metro areas would have similar sources and if it is to be painted it could be made out of mdf of fingerjointed wood .
I won't rag about newbie framers who can't cut oval glass by hand, and 48" is a tall order. Now maybe in Florida, they need them new fangled computers and thangs but up here in the tall timber we just do it with a trammel plate and a plunge router. Now, on that 48", did you want standard allowance? and how deep of a rabbit did you want? My last custom oval was 78"x72" with a 7-1/4" depth. Any good cabinet shop can do the work Rick, it's just a matter of money. As for doing work for a church, it's been my experience that they always have about half as much as a grammer school. zip. Call In-Line and quote your client the price. In-lines widest that I have seen was only about 2-1/2" wide moulding, but the will do custom depth. Their frames just always look 'cluggey'. I make most of my own custome sizes by steam bending and lamination.