Source for Ingento springs?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 7, 2004
Anybody got a source? My last one broke today and apparently United doesn't sell Ingento anymore.
Thank you Rick. The guy at Artcity was really nice. They don't carry parts, but he referred me to a company called GBC. They are very nice too, and supply parts for Ingentos, but do not think they can supply springs. Amazing. They are checking into it however and will call back tomorrow.

The Dahle cutters look nice! I traded up to Ideal some years back which is a really great cutter. It cut multiple sheets at a time. It would cut through an old thick Decor mag clean as a whistle. Alas, I'm in replacement part **** for that one as well.
When you called United, did you get someone in New York at the main office/warehouse, or just the "order desk?" Though they may not still carry Ingento, United has been aroung for a long time and they still may have some parts. Try asking for someone in technical service. Maybe they can refer you to someone.

I think GBC now owns Ingento. It does not make sense that they don't have springs.

Have you tried Machine Runner?

Or The Paper Cutter Store?
Thank you for your help guys. I used GBC's email tech support instead of calling them and they will provide springs. The guy on the phone kept thinking that I was talking about the little safety latch.
So, a decade later, I'm wondering if anyone has a source for one of these springs...torsion spring for Ingento No. 9. None of the sources above seem to be useful any longer, sort of like my paper cutter without the spring.