Source for Dental Office Artwork


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Nov 8, 2005
Lawrenceville, GA
I'm courting a new dental provider in the area and am looking for a source of dental office type posters. A search of the archives didn't yield anything so I'm hoping somebody out there knows where I might find these items.

We have an upscale dentist office in town that has beautiful photographs of their patients "after" smiles. A lot are black and white, and nicely framed. (I'm sure the staff has been asked who framed them, they are beeyooteeful)

Unless it's "Dentists are friendly" (you know smiling toothbrush, whatever) artwork (and only over the Lego table) to ease apprehensive young patients, I would go with what the dentist likes re: artwork. Or, use pics of "his artwork"- his patients' smiles.
I'm, confused: why do you think a dental practice needs specific artwork? Unless they're pediatric or something in which case you may want to look at Britto or similar happy stuff.
I guess I don't KNOW that a dental practice will need specific artwork. I do want to have that information at hand though in case it is needed.
are you in a touristy area?? Near one?? Then why not use paintings ( prints ) of the area? We live in Alaska and everyone loves it here. The whole state is a tourist area so that is what our work is about.
IF you go to a local's place though they are apt to have more of the outside cuz they are tired of Alaskan art.But he still has some Alaskan art about).But an outsider is different. He wants scenes of places they have been.That is the key word..Has been too.Not just a pretty picture, but something he can Identify with. This I think works for everyone and any place.
The local Joe loves his favorite place. Diane did some commisioned work down in DC a few summers back ( not impressed with the place at all ) One of her clients wanted a place done found in ME.
it was a place he and his wife went for their honeymoon. It was a big hit and remains a popular place. She did one of Bar Harbor ME and do you know that to this day it remains a popular,( best seller ) print even up here in AK. So why not paint for yourself and you dentist office something locally. Can't paint ( like me ) then contact local artists. Worth a try? If it don't work then heck you got a painting of a local place by a local artist on your walls either at home or at the shop. It's a winner all the way around in my opinion. A winner cuz you like it and it's on your wall till sold. Believe it or not we hate with a passion having one of our originals sold.
Like letting one of the kids go. come to think of it worst! ha.
(Rather sell the print )for a lot less Money.
Anyhow just my thoughts and opinions..
A local pediatric dentist was in the process of remodeling when the wife approached me to re frame a few favorite pieces. She told me to look around for any prints of children.
So I put her in touch with a local portrait photographer. The photographer and I set up a continuously changing wall. The photographer & I get to make our pitch via the wall every time someone checks in and the staff gets to see new art every quarter.
Then we set up a series of shots “Molly’s first visit with Dr. Dave”
The photographer then suggested providing a free portrait for all patients.
The photographer set up in the office on a Saturday and the patients came in.
I was there for portrait pick up and received several framing jobs including another wall of new smiles for the doctor. They are opening another office and plan to use their patients as art again. Who doesn't like to see a child.
I have my wisdom teeth that were pulled last year if you would like to put them in a shadow box
I love your idea Colleen. I can really see this working.

Wow! What a generous offer Tim!
I've heard of giving someone the shirt off your back but you take it to a whole new level. You can hang on to the teeth for now though, I'll let you know if I need them.
Does Norman Rockwell have a piece with a dentist theme? Any Rockwell is great in medical offices.

Dave Makielski