Somebody is going to get a STEAL

You're right Marc.

But you have the function wrong.

It is listed as a "German Matt Cutter"! I'd really like to see somebody cut a mat opening with one of these sweeties!!

Looks like somebody straightened out the listing for this guy.

(Go Jason, hope you get it!)


Either someone told him or he looked closer at the machine.

The likely-hood of it selling for ultra-cheap were better with it mis-labled.

I'm bummed you didn't get it.

I am guessing that the winner was another grumbler.

But keep look'n stuff always turns up.

For instance I am looking for 40 inch paper cutter that is local and cheap.

Like THIS or others.

I might add, that people (or grumblers) near THIS and THIS might love these.
Yeah, I was pretty irritated by that... two bozo's come in on the last 5 minutes of the auction and outbid me. I don't mind that they outbid me but that they waited until the last minute so I wouldn't have a chance to respond -- it just strikes me a dishonest, in a "real" auction everybody gets a chance to bid until the price goes as high as it can and even then you have a chance to counterbid.

I'm pretty turned off by my ebay experiences... I doubt I'll ever use it again.


I too was rooting for you to get that chopper! I saw the sequence of bidding near the end and that one guy seemed to be bidding against himself! Either the two guys were using a bid program and were bidding in the same increment or he was wanting to jack the price up on himself so he didn't feel guilty about buying it out from under you! :rolleyes:

You have to stay alert on these eBay auctions near the closing time for the auction. There are people who let the auction ride right up to the end to discourage outbidding and running the price up. Then, in the last few minutes, they will jump in and bid like crazy to get the item.
