Some recent work


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 26, 2002
De Pere, WI
Thought I'd share some recent pieces I did:

Here's the 64x27 shadowbox I mentioned in an earlier post about backing it. (Sorry for the bad lighting)

Two close friends played in the group Short Stuff. One passed away last October. I framed the CD in memory of him as a gift to the other friend.

In high school I set up equipment for a band. 30 years later we posed for the bottom picture at a special dance. I scanned two band posters I still have, reduced them to digital photos and mounted them with the colored photo of us 30 years later. Made three of these and gave two of them to a couple of the band members.

[ 01-29-2004, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Dancinbaer ]
Nice work!

Like the staggered photos & radius on the clock.

The nameplate is hard to see - anything special there?
Thank you,

Jo: I used Framerica Boxer, all three sizes.

Less: The inscription is:
In Memory Of
James "Big" Williquette
1952 - 2003

"Big" played bass for the band. He, the guitar player and I hung together in high school.
I love to look at framed specialty works.
On my webpage, I have a page called 'Framing'
to show some of my works (1998-2003) :D
I have more photos, but this are some of my favorites. Sometimes I just forget to take a photo of the work I did. :(

The Cat =^..^=