some of our work online

When you take pictures of framed artwork to use in your web site, you should take the pictures BEFORE you put in the glass. That way you can get your picture from straight on, and no glare. Other than that, I would just keep looking at other people's web sites, and write down EVERYTHING that you see that you like, and don't like. You will know what you need to do then.
Nice work. I'm working on a picture disc of Liberace and would love to do a piano similar to you piano schematic. How did you do it (if you don't mind sharing info. . . )?

We have the Wizard Mat cutter which does a lot of our special cuts. I don't think I would want to hand cut it it would take twice as long. But I just plotted out a piano on the vcadd and cut.

The only reason a lot of the pictures didn't get taken without the glass is... well when making a shadow box the glass is put on and then the walls to hold it in. I tried a picture with the frame and the picture or even the picture itself and well... the walls add so much to a box. The others... well there is no excuse for them except for laziness.