Software in the frameshop


True Grumbler
Founding Member
Dec 31, 1969
Salem, OR, USA
First ... please forgive me. I've been away for a LONG time and don't know what's been discussed for awhile. If this topic has been talked to death I am sorry.

I'm still looking for the best software to use in my shop.

Please tell me WHAT you use and WHY. (If you don't mind.)


aka: OJ
Welcome back again STRANGER. Yes a lot has gone on here. How The shop going. I was layoff when the owner left town and have now open my own place. Self-employment is too much work. I can see why I didn't want to do, I knew.

As for your question, Try them all and pick what works for you. The freeware that's given away on this board was been reworked with y2k fixes and I've been using it in my new place. I've been surprized that it works well for my needs. I take my orders with it, it has a calendar the shows order due dates where you can change the duedate or mark the order complete. I then print all my invoices and print my sales tax report. It also prints molding sample labels, does customer lists and labels.

The bad news is you have to input your own molding data. It took me a full day to do that. You also must read the doc's or forget it. The frame order menu can be modified and you can add specialty items that you do along with pricing formula's. This can be tough the first time. It's also an old DOS based product but I use it in a dos window from win98. Tip: You must use an dos printer, window only printer don't work. I'm using an old HP IIP+ lasar that I got for under $100.00 and it works great. No support is a real problem, however the source code is also online thats how I fixed the y2k problems.

The good news is it's FREE. It works for me. You can also use the program on old cheap computers.


[This message has been edited by framer (edited June 06, 2000).]
Welcome back, OJ. Hope to see you more often. What's been happening?

I like FrameReady for a comprehensive. (And the Framer's Calculator for the simplest thing.)
O.J. welcome back. I hope things are going well. Use any front end you are comfortable with. Framers program, Frameready, Frameshop, LifeSaver or FullCalc. The idea is to get a pricing system that produces a workorder that is priced, and a list of materials you need to produce those things. The important part is the bookkeeping module. I am now using Quickbooks Pro 2000. I expense the materials I use for custom framing because I only order the material after I sell the frame. This program allows me to identify the customer and job with the expense, something I have not been able to do before. I am happy with this so far, but I must admit I have just started using this method and I am going back to the first of the year to make things more accurate. not fun.
All my accounting is being done with Quickbooks Pro 2000. The only report I use off the framing program is for sales tax because it only takes 17 sec.
Here's another question: Does anyone use a program (at point-of-sale)that is FAST? I do not like to make my customer wait while I plod thru the order screen of the software!

Soooo ... I fill out an old paper workorder the old way and then "plug in" the info later (after they are gone). Doesn't seem very good use of my time.

Which software is rated BEST at point-of-sale?

Framer: Once I've decided which moulding and mat and glass is best, I'd like to be able to enter these choices in the software program QUICKER than I can figure it out the old way (using a price chart - like the one from L/J).

I haven't tried any but Lifesaver, but can say it is as quick as you punch in the information. Try the demos that are available from each vendor, then you know what you will get,,,they ain't cheap!

Le: Thanks for your thots. Glad you're still goin' strong.

Did I understand you correctly? You use one program at point-of-sale to generate workorders and QuickBooks Pro to do the books?

I'm beginning to think there is NO program available for us that will do both.

Yes, I use both. The Wife's a full charge bookkeeper and wanted a professional package. She liked QBP and can work with the reports I can give her from the POS that I use which is the freebee on the board.

O.J. No bookkeeping program will price your frames and give you the information you need to put that frame together. No POS software that is for our industry will do your complete books. Specialty Software says they integrate with Quickbooks. Try their demos. Get two or three and see which one works for you. All of them are pretty quick, but that is not the awesome part. I have been known to make mistakes. In evaluating 20 invoices done by hand I averaged $10 off on each invoice. Three guesses which direction my mistakes were, allways.