I have to say this was my 18th Christmas season, but my first as an owner. Every customer picked up, everyone was happy. I always liked the rush of the season, and every Dec 23rd I would go from hysterical laughing to crying, as well as get into a knock down drag out fight with my boss because I felt he was abusive and unappreciative to his employees. (The mother lioness in me was very protective of the wonderful people I managed, that was always the reason for our annual fight). What I am long winded-ly trying to say is , even though I already have a knot in my stomach on how will I survive until summer, I couldn't have enjoyed my season more. The work, hours, worry was all worth it. Every customer made me feel so great. Framing to me has always felt like I was creating something special or helping someone else achieve a special project they wanted to give and couldn't do them selves. I hope this is the same for everyone else. I have a feeling it is.
I haven't been a part of this for long, but I am so glad I am. I hope that I can contribute to this wonderful forum more and more. But I have to say that I am grateful that it is here. Everyday I look to see what is going on. I never fail to learn something new. This is the first time I have been around framers who actually enjoy sharing, learning, teaching and laughing about custom framing. This forum keeps giving me the courage to make my new place the success I know it will be.
I am only getting mushy because I read a very long thread earlier that disturbed me a bit. So instead of expressing myself there, I've chosen the glass is half full route and just wanted to say thanks for everyone being here and Happy New Year.
PS I decided on a Leopard Gecko for my boys for Chritmas. HIs name is George and despite the toys he was their favorite present. My 10 year old's 2nd fav was a mini wood working shop. Ahh a boy after his own mama's heart
Sorry it was so long, but thanks for giving me a place to express. Now let's all hold hands and sing camp fire songs