Size of direct marketing pc?

What are you doing? Card? Folded Card? Newsletter-type thing?

Unless it's a newsletter (we fold ours to make 5.5x8) I think anything bigger is overkill. Besides, postage will kill you on anything big.

We use standard postcard for artist shows and announcements, and oversize cards for just about everything else that's not a newsletter.

Just be sure it looks professional and carries a clear message - we always include PPFA and CPF logos on ALL mail pieces.

Depends entirely on how much information you want to put on it. Newsletter, of course, on 8 1/2 x 11. Oversized postcard if you have more than one message to convey, or if you relly want it to stand out. Smaller postcards can get hidden behind other mail, oversized are harder to shuffle around. Regular postcard for 'reminder' type mailings. I use these now on the same color card every time just to put my name in my customers' heads every now and then. Postage costs might help you make a decision as well!