Singing FullCalc's Praises


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 10, 1999
Howards retired
Let me tell you what a dumb thing I did. I got the disc for the latest update for FullCalc, installed it on our newest machine in the network, and then 'updated' the server (boss) machine. Instead of 'updating' however, I 'installed' and wiped out 7 years of customer data among other things. I was SICK and beyond sick. I called FullCalc and told them what I had done. First of all, they didn't laugh in my ear (although I am sure it was a hilarious topic of conversation in the lunchroom). They brainstormed what to do, and using PCAnywhere, tapped in to my computer, found the data and reinstalled it. This all took several hours and you know what the bill is? Nothing. All included in the agreement.
Almost every time I call them, I get a real person right away, who is knowledgeable and pleasant. I am never treated as if I were stupid, but with respect and even occasionally good humor. When anyone asks what software I recommend, you know what MY answer is!
And I have to put in a plug for the same type of treatment from my friends at FrameReady also!!

I have had some problems with updating supplier's prices on a beta version of the program and Bert at FrameReady has gone out of his way to help find the problem and get it fixed. He even uploaded a newer version of the new program to an FTP site for me to download and install. We are still ironing out some wrinkles in the procedure but I have no doubt that Bert will be on the phone and devote whatever time it takes to get it straightened out.

I am waiting for a CD to arrive in the mail with the finished version of the new updated program so I can eliminate the bug that showed up in the beta version.

Thanks Bert, Evelyn, and Carol for all your help.

I am so glad Ellen has a happy outcome with this vendor. We, unfortunately, have experienced the exact opposite. In every case where she lauds them, we have experienced the opposite results.

Perhaps, in the last few years, they have gotten better. I hope so.
At the risk of sounding a little bit crazy, I think that rather than singing FULCALC's praises, your gratitude should be directed to the sole suavy computer techie that figured your problem out. It is not because of the program that your information was retrievable - it's a computer "motherboard" thing. Anyway, as far as the bill goes, OF COURSE they didn't bill you, they're making out A O.K. with their substantial yearly tech fees that they charge!!!! Maybe you're still on cloud nine and that's what is reflecting in your comment, but I cannot say that my experiences will them would warrant the #1 rating that you have bestowed upon them. To anyone "new" or looking for software, do your homework! Also keep in mind that Fulcalc is used by many of the major chain stores...
I have to agree with Bob Carter for my $500 a year the tech support has been much less than stellar. Did you get the name of the tech that helped you...I would like to request him next time I have to call.

your gratitude should be directed to the sole suavy computer techie that figured your problem out. It is not because of the program that your information was retrievable - it's a computer "motherboard" thing.
Every business is at the mercy of each person who answers the phone (ours too) but the main point is that they helped, promptly, without being condescending. I think the tech's name was Dave, but I will have to look at work.

I have only used this one program, so am in no position to tout one over another. I just thought that they deserved an Attaboy in this case.
While we're singing praises here is mine for FrameReady. Carole or Bert almost always answer the phone in person, and if not, the call is returned promptly. They have been great anytime I have needed them even when it was just because my brain refused to recall info they had already given me before. (sometimes more than once) :D

I gave up on FullCalc last year. After they moved out of Chicago, the service was no longer what I called service. That and they doubled their yearly support fees.

I went to EZFramer. It is just that, EZ!! It is so windows friendly and you can have multiple screens open for multiple orders at the same time. In a small shop where we only have one computer, that was great. Two of us could use the same computer without interfering with the others order. Support is excellent. I even found Frank in Atlanta making support calls on Sat. while in his booth.
Ellen, this is The Grumble.

If you want to say something nice about someone, there must be some other forum available for that.

About eight weeks ago, I asked Nielsen-Bainbridge for the new forged metal samples, as well as some other finishes in the 117 profile that I didn't have. I called the 800 number, I sent an email and I sent a fax. I even called my rep at home, but was told that she's no longer my rep. (Too many calls at home, I suppose.)

On Thursday or Friday, I mentioned it to our new L-J rep. Today, with our regular L-J delivery, I received all the samples I needed. They're already up on the wall and I'm a happy guy.

(It's okay for ME to say something nice about someone - even L-J - because I tacked it onto Ellen's nice thing. I would never DREAM of starting a nice thing thread.)
Originally posted by MatFramer:
I gave up on FullCalc last year. After they moved out of Chicago, the service was no longer what I called service.
I might have written exactly the same words. Last year I gave up FullCalc after 7 years of use, for the same reason, in favor of FrameReady.

I've also heard wonderful things about EZ Framer. If I weren't into FrameReady, I would take a long look at that one, as well.

Whatever software we use, all of us should expect prompt, courteous service when we call for help. After all, most framers are not Giga-Gurus. We mess up sometimes, and we need good technical support.

Ellen, I'm glad to hear that your data was retrievable.

The Best Advice I Ever Heard:
Back up your database of customer info & order history daily, on at least two different media, and always keep them off-premises.

I've had to restore data after a crash only once (it was hard drive crash in 1998), but I shudder to think of the loss if we hadn't had good back ups.

Here's how we do it here:

1. Back up daily to a secondary hard drive in the resident computer.

2. M-W-F, back up to two compact flash discs, which live in my briefcase.

3. T-T-S, back up to two USB-2 Jump Drives, which live in my notebook computer bag.

None of these devices are expensive these days. But if $200 worth of media seems like a lot, consider what your customer data and order histories are worth to your business.