Silver floater


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Nov 19, 2003
Orange County, CA
I'm looking for a silver floater ... the Nurre and Omega samples that I have only have a silver lip ... but I now need a moulding that is silver all over ... any suggestions? Thanks.
David ... Thanks ... but I think (but am certainly not positive) that the N6680 UM floater only has silver on the lip (in other words the addition of a silver lip to their N6610 black floater). Hopefully I am wrong and it's silver on the sides as well ... I can't tell from the online catalog. Do you have a sample that you can look at and confirm one way or another?

Again what I am looking for is a floater that not only has silver on the lip but also has silver on the sides.
Yes it's silver on the sides as well. I don’t carry UFP; I just saw it in an ad in Decor. Might try Richard's suggestion too.
FYI just talked to UFP ... N6680 has black sides and silver is only on lip.

However they have two new floaters that are entirely silver (P1708 and P1808). Am getting samples.

UFP should improve the search function on their site! If you look for "floater" you only get the N series. If you KNOW that P1708 exists and search for it by number you find it OK. It carries the name "silver leaf" and is from the "gallery float" collection. Searching for either text string fails to show the P1708 or P1808 mouldings! Oh well!

Thanks for the Max moulding tip as well. That also looks like a possibility if the UFP does not work out, but right now the P1708 could be the winner based on shape / depth.
Our Larson rep was just here yesterday and showed us the new collection - Marias. It has an gold and silver floaters in it. Really pretty!

Check L467592.
