silk mat with fillet


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 24, 2004
Round Pond, ME
HELP!!!!! I'm having a tough time cutting a silk mat that will be fit with a bevel!!!!!
The edges of the silk mat (I cut a reverse bevel) seem to fray and just don't look professional. I tried wrapping the silk around the mat, but then it doesn't fit tight against the fillet.
Any suggestions? This is a picky customer. She likes the mats to be tight against the fillets.
If your customer is that picky, then she will love a hand-wrapped silk mat. You start with a plain mat board, cut the opening and then cover it with the silk. I'd make a point of learning how to do this just for customers like her. I have used fillets on these with regular bevels as well as with reverse bevels

If you are stuck using a pre-covered board for this job, you will have to make it work somehow. Can you perhaps dab the tiniest bit of PVA on the bevelled edge (with an awl?) once it is cut and before it is handled for the fillet? Might be worth a try.

Meanwhile, call up Frank's, FFMI and Raphael's for some samples for the next job that comes through.

Good luck and let us know what works.

edie the youtoocandofabricwrappedmats goddess
FG, would you cut the plain mat board (prior to covering it with silk) with a reverse bevel for this?
Also, unfortunately, I am stuck with a Bainbridge silk mat for this job... truffle color.. I think it's #4969.
Most folks are of the ReverseBevelOnlywithFillets School, but I have cut a regular bevel to be used with a fillet and it can look very nice- sculptural, even. Depends on the shape of the fillet.

This sounds like the perfect excuse to do up a few shop samples.

BTW, If you have the time on this job, you could probably match that color to a silk from one of the suppliers.

edie the lovethoseshopsamples goddess
We routinely kiss the edge of those fraying frustrators with watered down Elmers and a tiny brush. It doesn't show, and anchors the threads nicely. However, my main designer has been forbidden to design reverse bevel fabric mats unless there is a fillet. He occasionally slides one through, and then we trot out the watered-down glue (about 10 parts water to 1 part glue)
What an opportunity for a fabric supplier to pick up a new customer!

If I were a fabric supplier I would email you privately with an offer to supply a mat in a very closely matching color.

I might even include some samples and adhesive.

Don't change the mat - change the fillet. My bread and butter fillet is LJ 150CG. It doesn't work as well with the raw silk mats for the reason you stated because it doesn't have a deep enough flat vertical surface to press against the potential fraying. For raw silk customers, I figure that if they will pay for the silk they should be willing to pay for a nicer fillet. I offer them LJ 131912 which has a taller vertical edge to press lightly against any fraying - voilà! problem solved. BTW I do a lot of fillets.

Pat :D