Signed baseball research.. HELP


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 8, 2004
Hi all,

A VERY good customer dropped off a baseball signed by 2 members of either the Yankees or their farm team the Trenton Thunder.

I can barely read the autographs, one looks like Tony S------ #6 and the other looks like first name starting with a C or A and last name starting with Ce or Co.

The customer wants me to do something with the ball, but I think just framing the ball will look plain and I want to try out the United plexi ball kit.

My problem is after looking all through the web I can't identify who these guys are, what team they are on or anything.

Any help from Yankee or Thunder fans would be appreciated. I am looking for a photo to accompany the ball in the display.

The customer doesn't know who they are, she is just doing this to give away as a present.

I think it is hopeless but there are worse problems in life than sloppy writing on a baseball. (Just had to put things in perspective for myself).
#6 on the Trenton Thunder is Andy Cannizaro.

For the whole roster do a google search on Trenton Thunder baseball team. I'm sure you can do the same for the Yankees.

Hope this helps.
Go to your local sports memorabilia shop. They have answers to the most usual questions. You might want to pick up a baseball card to include in the frame.
the FBI just released a report that upto 75% of all sports signitures are forgeries. #1 most forged: Baseballs. go figure. :D