Sign-up begins for do-not-call list

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Sign-up begins for do-not-call list

By Reuters
June 26, 2003, 10:30 PM PT

Households frazzled by unwanted telephone sales calls could soon be enjoying the sounds of silence, thanks to an anti-telemarketing list that opens for registration on Friday.
Federal officials said consumers can now place their home and mobile telephone numbers on a free, national "do not call" list of households that do not want to receive telephone sales calls, via or (888) 382-1222.

Telemarketers who call numbers on the list after Oct. 1 will face penalties of up to $11,000 per call, as well as possible lawsuits from consumers and state attorneys general.

The telemarketing industry has thrived in the past decade, thanks in part to plunging long-distance rates and computerized dialers that allow sales representatives to reach many more customers.

Prompted by a deluge of consumer complaints, the Federal Trade Commission announced plans for the list last year, and Congress approved it shortly afterward.

At least 25 states have already set up do-not-call lists of their own, which have proven popular with consumers seeking to stem an ever-increasing tide of sales calls. In Minnesota, for example, roughly half of the state's 2.2 million residential lines have subscribed.

FTC officials expect 60 million households to sign up, prompting them to offer telephone registration on a geographic basis to avoid overloading the system.

Residents living in states west of the Mississippi River, including Louisiana and Minnesota, will be able to sign up by phone starting Friday. Those living east of the Mississippi will not be able to sign up until July 7, though they will be able to sign up through the Web site on Friday.

Those who sign up through the Web site will be able to register up to three phone numbers at once, while those who register by phone will be able to register only the phone number from which they are calling.

Consumers who sign up for the list by Aug. 31 should see a sharp drop-off in calls starting Oct. 1, while those who sign up later will face a three-month wait before telemarketers add their numbers to the list.

Consumers will not have to pay for the list, as it will be funded by telemarketers.

The list does not cover all callers. Nonprofit and political callers will be free to ignore it, but will have to honor consumer requests not to be called back. Businesses will be free to call customers for 18 months after making a sale, but they too will have to honor opt-out requests.

Telemarketing groups have sued to scratch the effort, arguing that it abridges free-speech rights.
We've had that here in Tennessee for quite awhile. Bad news is it does not include local retailers or the nonprofits. But, having a child with disablities, I'm a sucker for giving to the nonprofits, 'cause I'm on the board of a few of them and I knwo how much is needed in that arena.
Just signed up for Awaiting email verification, as promised on website.

Thanks for info!!
I just now signed up, but I wonder if it's going to have any effect.

Some of the exclusions to the "donotcall" list include pollsters, political campaign contribution solicitors, charitable organizations, banks and credit unions (read credit cards), and the jerks who prompted this, long distance telephone providers!

It makes me think that Sprint and MCI just want to make sure that your phone isn't busy when they call us tonight during dinner.
Bill, interesting thing mother, who is 84, had a guy call her AT NIGHT, said he was from Sprint, our local fone co, and told her how she could save big money on long distance charges. She doesn't make long distance calls, or no more than 1 a month. She heard 'save money', and agreed. What he was really selling was a 'feature package' that TRIPLED her phone bill!
Same thing happened to my 82 yr old uncle. These aren't stupid people. Both well-educated. But the salespeople Sprint used were super-slick. They only told them how much long distance calls would cost PER MINUTE, but neglected to tell them that they were agreeing to 300 minutes/month of LD service. And, when you sign up for a minutes/month plan, you get all these features that neither of them even have phones that can use them! 'Star 69' is the only thing either of them use!
Anyway, to cut to the chase: I am authorized, through the business office, to make changes to both their phone feature/services. I called the business office both times, about 2 weeks apart, and the service rep told me, without being asked, that they would put them on their 'do not call' list.
I found this immensly interesting, as I thought there was no such list. This has been several months, and they haven't been called by Sprint since, either.
There is so much deception in telemarketing. That's the part I hate. That and being bothered in the first place!
Bill, the Kansas NoCall went into effect for us about nine months ago, and it was as if someone performed a miracle. We were accustomed to nine or ten a night and the number dropped to absolute zero. It was three months before we got our first TM call: it was a charity we don't aid, we asked to be eliminated and were.

This is the best thing since changing my e-mail address to eliminate spam.

Similar to Cathy's comments...

The Idaho DNC list has been in effect for over a year now and it has significantly reduced the number of telemarketing calls we receive. We also have a script, provided by the Attorney General, to use when a telemarketer makes it through. I interrupt the person and begin to ask the questions that they are legally bound to answer. Many times the supervisor comes on and is irritated because I have taken too much of the Telemarketers time. Then, I send the info to the Atty Gen, who sends a stern letter to the telemarketer. Never a second call. The Atty Gen definition is it the phone rings in Idaho, the telemarketer is doing business in Idaho and follows the statute.

For some strange reason, Idaho is one of the few states that has refused to share their DNC list with the feds; so we must also register.

Another thing that has helped eliminate the telemarketers is "Anonymous Call Block" for anyone who is intentionally blocking their caller ID info.
Just a thought... but did anyone else notice that this thread was started by someone in Ireland? It takes a TRUE Irishman to know how to save money! :D

Thanks Dermot.
Originally posted by Bill Henry:
Some of the exclusions to the "donotcall" list include pollsters, political campaign contribution solicitors, charitable organizations, banks and credit unions (read credit cards), and the jerks who prompted this, long distance telephone providers!
Well, we will have to wait and see how/if it works, but I found no mention of banks or long distance telephone providers. This is the list I found:

Q: If I register my number on the National Do Not Call Registry, will it stop all telemarketing calls?

A: No. Placing your number on the National Do Not Call Registry will stop most, but not all, telemarketing calls. You may still receive calls from political organizations, charities, telephone surveyors or companies with which you have an existing business relationship.

("telephone surveyors" is further defined: If the call is really for the sole purpose of conducting a survey, it is not covered. Only telemarketing calls are covered – that is, calls that solicit sales of goods or services. Callers purporting to take a survey, but also offering to sell goods or services, must comply with the National Do Not Call Registry.)
And, unfortunately, businesses can not register to have their phone numbers put on the do not call list. We get sometimes dozens of telemarketer calls a day at our shop. It's a big waste of our time and ties up our phone when customers could be trying to reach us! :mad:
Court Rules Against Do-Not-Call Registry
(C)2003 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved
Sep 24, 12:31 PM (ET) By JENNIFER L. BROWN

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - A federal judge has ruled that the Federal Trade Commission overstepped its authority in creating the national "do-not-call" list against telemarketers.

The ruling Tuesday came in a lawsuit brought by telemarketers who challenged the list of 50 million people who said they do not want to receive business solicitation calls. The list was to go into effect Oct. 1.

U.S. District Judge Lee R. West said the main issue in the case was "whether the FTC had the authority to promulgate a national do-not-call registry. The court finds it did not."

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Billy Tauzin, R-La., and Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., said Wednesday they were confident the ruling would be overturned and believe Congress did give the FTC the necessary authority.

"We will continue to monitor the situation and will take whatever legislative action is necessary to ensure consumers can stop intrusive calls from unwanted telemarketers," they said in a joint statement.

Calls to the FTC were not immediately returned Wednesday.

Direct Marketing Association Inc., one of the plaintiffs, said it was happy with the ruling, even though it "acknowledges the wishes of millions of U.S. consumers who have expressed their preferences not to receive telephone-marketing solicitations - as evidenced by the millions of phone numbers registered on the FTC list."

The suit was filed by DMA, U.S. Security, Chartered Benefit Services Inc., Global Contact Services Inc. and InfoCision Management Corp.

The telemarketing industry estimates the do-not-call list could cut its business in half, costing it up to $50 billion in sales each year.

More than a dozen states with do-not-call lists planned to add their lists to the national registry this summer, the FTC said.

Telemarketers would have to check the list every three months to see who doesn't want to be called. Those who call listed people could be fined up to $11,000 for each violation.
And the funny thing about this is that another Federal judge denied a similar injunction back in March or April that was filed by the same companies (in part).

I don't think this will hold up under appeal though. If it does, I will be amongst the 50 million or so people who will file a class action against these vultures. Telemarketers are slime in my opinion and should be excommunicated from the business world en total! One of the really nice benefits of moving to a new location is you lose the old phone numbers and start over again. I haven't had more than 4 automatic dials since I've been down here and I hung up on all of them before any connection was made.

It gives me a certain amount of perverse pleasure beating them to the punch and hanging up before the boob on the other end has a chance to say the first word of their spiel!

I guess I may have to go back to telling off telemarketers. I even call back 800 numbers and tell them off.
It is a hobby of mine and relieves the stress from work. If it starts again, I will add that to my hobbies in my profile.
This is getting confusing :confused:

9/25 2:41pm

WASHINGTON (AP) - The House approved legislation Thursday aimed at ensuring the national "do-not-call" list goes into effect as scheduled next week so consumers can block many unwanted telemarketing sales pitches.

The House voted 412-8 after less than hour of debate. Lawmakers from both parties uniformly blasted a decision by U.S. District Judge Lee R. West, who ruled Tuesday that the Federal Trade Commission lacked authority to create and operate the registry.

"The judge in this case is dead wrong and I'm sure his decision will in turn be overturned," said Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. "We should probably call the bill 'This Time We Really Mean It Act' to cure any myopia in the judicial branch. The bill leaves no doubt as to the intent of Congress."
My favorite quote so far is, from the same esteemed Billy-Bob Tauzin:

"Fifty million Americans can't be wrong,"
I'm sure the RIAA would disagree with that...

Not that any of this matters anyways. I got a call last night from a Chevron telemarketer. I have a Chevron gas card, so therefore they have a "relationship" with me. Guess what they wanted to sell me - not gas or anything related to my credit limit, but freakin' insurance for my 6 major appliances in my house. Ugh, go away.

The scary part is this other quote Mike posted:

"The telemarketing industry estimates the do-not-call list could cut its business in half, costing it up to $50 billion in sales each year."
So that means the telemarketing industry has $100 billion (with raised pinky to mouth) dollars in sales each year?!?!?!??? Who the heck is buying all their crap??!? Even if it was just 1 billion it's still scary.
Amazing. This is like a yo-yo. It's BACK on hold again

2nd Judge Puts 'Do-Not-Call' List Back on Hold
A federal judge late Thursday issued another legal hurdle to the national do-not-call registry after Congress moved to grant the FTC authority for the list.
Okay everyone go to the white pages on your computer look up the phone number for U.S. District Judge Lee R. West. Everyone call him. Sell him A frame over the phone. The latest judge did not get his name says it is a violation of free speech. Well 50 million people need to practice free speech so lets get the name and number or the court house number at which they work and everyone call them to sell them glass over the phone . That should shut them down for a week or two.

[ 09-26-2003, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: GUMBY ]
Guess someone else thought of it too Nottingham is the second judge.

Nottingham's ruling said the do-not-call list was unconstitutional under the First Amendment because it does not apply equally to all kinds of speech, blocking commercial telemarketing calls but not calls from charities.

West rejected an FTC request to delay his order, saying the agency offered no additional evidence that would make him change his mind. The FTC immediately appealed to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.

Lawmakers responded with remarkable speed to West's order. Bills can take months or even years to pass, but this bill was drafted and approved in both chambers in little more than 24 hours.

Since issuing the ruling, West's home and office have been bombarded with calls from angry consumers. His numbers were posted on the Internet and people were encouraged to call. Nottingham's phone numbers are online as well.

The case decided by West was brought by a coalition of telemarketers, including the Direct Marketing Association, an industry group.

The suit in Nottingham's court was filed by two telemarketing companies and the American Teleservices Association, which represents call centers.
From another news site (/.):

After the success of his first article providing the phone number of the American Teleservices Association, and the ensuing reaction by said organization, columnist Dave Barry attacks again, providing the ATA's new phone number. Read all about it! (the number is 317-816-9336, long distance charges may apply).