Showroom Update!

j Paul

PFG, Picture Framing God
Feb 23, 2004
While reading the thread " Do we have to be poor?" I was sorry to hear about the troubles, some are having.

My showroom has only been open about a month. But,I have to agree that the #1 most important thing that you can do is select the best location We opted for the best location that we could find. (Paying more than we could afford, certainly more than we wanted. ) Even with the two newspaper adds that I run weekly, we are getting a large amount of walk-ins because of our positive location.

We are selling framing jobs, and lots of gift items already. all of the comments are positive.
Not getting rich this month by a long shot, but we feel very positive.

Interesting comment by one customer that ordered framing today. "We always have taken our items to be framed to and so..., but you guys are so much more convientent, we'll be bringing things here from now on." And that was even before I priced their order. They also are eyeing two $500. framed samples that I have on the wall for Christmas presents.

I don't know what the future holds, but we are certainly pleased so far. I have to say do what ever you can to get the best location. The advice of Bob Carter and others on this subject here on the Grumble, certainly swayed my decision to do so. Certainly the $400-600 more that I am spending extra monthly over a less desirable location, could not be overcome spending that same amount extra in advertising each month.

Wishing everyone sucess, and hoping all can continue to hang in there.
Be afraid, Jerry. Be VERY afraid! Glad to hear things are going well. Location truly is everything. When I moved my store 8 years ago business increased by 52% for the year...and I only moved in September!
Same outcome of my latest move. We used to be in the middle of a block on Main St. Moved one block down to a corner bldg. Business has been really good. Parking beside the bldg. doesn't hurt either. The bonus for us is that the rent was less, the bldg. much more attractive, and utilities included! For a change, a landlord appreciates us and WANTS us. When he asked, "Janet, what will it take to get y'all to move to my bldg?", I almost had a stroke! Our two past landlords were slum lords that told us they would do absolutely nothing to the bldgs. we rented from them. (Yesterday, our landlord sent a painter in to touch up the walls and we never even mentioned touch up to him. We keep pinching ourselves to make sure this isn't a dream.)
I just had a lady come in last night a half hour before closing and spend over five hundred. Over $200. on a $25.00 poster she bought from me, and another $300.00 on some family photos. She left another 9 photos for me to pick out frames and mats and she'll be back the first of the week. That should run another $900.00 or so I expect.

She is also eyeing a preframed pc. I did. I need to price it, but she is expecting around 5-600.
She lives in a very upscale area, and of course has many upscale friends. Just the kind of clients we were hoping to attract when choosing this location.

Maybe the title of this thread should be changed to benefits of a good location!
I live in a coastal town in midcoast Maine. Our downtown area has plenty of 'walking'traffic, but terrible parking. I considered a nice location right in the heart of 'downtown', but thought it not a great location for a frame shop..... 'parking' many people will haul their pictures to be framed for 2 blocks or more? So, I opted for a location outside of town, but still on the main road, with parking right at the door. I live on a peninsula, so anyone going anywhere has to pass my sign, leaving and coming. It is also at an intersection, so traffic does slow down a bit at my location..... and.... there is a carpet/flooring center next door as well as an import/gift shop on the other side of me.
I should be open in 2 weeks. Will let you all know how my 'location' actually works out. Anyone else in locations outside of downtown area? How's it doing?