Showcase frame - Shark tooth


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 12, 2003
North Carolina - Picture Framing Capital of the Wo
Here is our latest showcase frame. The tooth is about 3x2 inches - the box is 6H x 6W x 4D. It's made from Roma mouldings stacked and cut to fit together. The corner pieces are from Southwinds Moulding's Showcase moulding line - refinished to match the Palio finish.

Completed with AR glass and linen mat base. The tooth is held up by an acrylic holder we cut and shaped from scrap. The plaque commemorates the client's 25th wedding anniversary. Retail was $365

This was a lot of fun - and the finished piece was very well received.


Here's another view:
pretty spiffy!!! looks cool, i am sue the customer loves it. how did they get the tooth? that has got to be a story. good job
Looks great, Tony! Did you do the refinish or did Fred? Are the Roma mouldings just the base and door, with all of the cube made from showcase moulding?

Hope to see you guys next week in Atlanta!
Thanks guys. The frames are all Roma - just the corners come from SOuthwinds. We wouldn't have been able to complete the project w/o the corners, though.

Kassandra did the refinish - we've done a couple boxes in Palio because it's farily easy to refinish other mldgs to match. The Palio finish - old, rustic and slightly beaten - was exactly what the customer was looking for. They din't want a "fine" finish for the case.

The story - she bought it. The husband and wife compete to find the biggest ones when they go collecting - she figured she'd buy the win this time.
Nice Job I've done one similar but mine didn't have the hinged door. ( Mine did have a touch button music box though,and it was for a 3Demensional needlework that I've shown previously ) Your refinishing really made this a big challange. All I did was pick a simple small profiled gold moulding and paint the rabbets so that the raw wood wouldn't show in the insides.You matched the finish very nicely and it wasn't just a staright silver finish.I think an even bigger achievment is the plexi holder that ya'll made.It really makes the tooth look almost free standing ,that is a very nice effect.
Your work makes mine look amertureish at best. Great job,I am sure the customer was very happy.

I belive the Tooth is the Prehistoric predicesor of a shark only MUCH larger ,I think they where called Megladons (sp?) maybe Ron with his Marine Knowledge can correct me?