Show off your web site


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 31, 2001
New York's Hudson River Valley
Newburgh Mercantile
I have been wasting hours trying to go through profiles to find links to everyones web pages. Uggh!

So here is your chance to show your stuff!

Please post with a link to your site if you want to share with us what you have done. There are some great ones out there and we'd love to see 'em.

(don't forget to use the "[ URL ]" button down below!)

Please hold off from complementing peoples sights here in this thread. It might be nice to keep this just a showcase of sorts.

Hi Eric

You did not post your own web site!!!!! :rolleyes: this is the start of my web site for my new business……it’s only a holding page at present…….but it is working…I have already got two sales from it and it is only up about two or three weeks.

Through the Applegate business directory Matting Systems Ireland I’m first on page one of a Google search…..

and if you search Mats & Matting Ireland on Yahoo I’m on page one Number 7 and it gets me on page one at Googles also...

On Browse Ireland I pop up as number 1

I’m delighted about how well my dive into the world of my own wed site is going….truly I’m not totally sure what I’m doing …..but some of the stuff that was posted on the Grumble over the years stuck in my brain.

I have a big challenge ahead to write my full web site…..but I’m going to do it….I have a rough lay out done now I just need to put it into action.

Anyone know of a good site to look at web site templates…I think this is the route I will go down....due to almost full employment in Ireland it is next to impossible to get someone to work on my web site
and anyway I want to keep tight control of my web site as it will be my window to most of my potential customer base…… :D

Ahhh maybe I will outsource it to India….I know they do wonderful work in the area of web sites out there…


A perfect example of "potential". I am getting work from all over the country shipped in here (for the antiques work) from the site as it is. Just think how much it would bring if I had time to do the work I want to do with it. (I'll share some of my goals/plans for it later.)

The newsletter is especially successful. I increased the numbers dramatically over Easter weekend (see the "Commercial Forum" for details.)

This is my first attempt at a website. Designing, building, and maintaining it has given me a lot of pleasure, satisfaction and brain damage

It was built using a relatively cheap, ($89.99) and very easy to use program called Web Studio 4 that is supported by a superb forum.

If you visit please sign my guest book

Aesthetic frames and pictures
web page

The impossible I can do today,
Miracles take a little longer

Mine may be even more dated than Jim's, but it still gets occasional attention. I was telling someone about the guide dog puppies, and they said, "I know all about that from your website" I didn't even remember that I had mentioned it there!
I would LOVE to have more time to build on what my brother has nicely done for us.

<a href="" target="_blank">

Sheridan's Design Innovations Website</a>
is our gallery and frame shop website. It serves several purposes:
* information for locals to select our shop over the competition (e.g., hours and directions, current exhibits)
* community support - by listing the local artists who are currently showing in the gallery
* internet store for one of the owner's art, linked through PayPal (see )
* information for a new venture, art-related: cards over the internet (see )

I create these pages and images with Adobe Photoshop CS and GoLive CS. (Which I also do for other businesses, as yet another side business.

Donna Hinshaw
Pelican Art