SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
We just started working with Southwinds Moulding's showcase frames. They are a great alternative to traditional, deep shadowboxes. Pricing is comparable to a traditional shadowbox but has a much nicer look on certain things. The owner Fred Schwartz is great to work with and has a great
product. Here's our first one:
We bought the jersey and cleats at auction at the start of the football season and have been looking for the "perfect" frame since.
It measures 32x40x6 and has AR glass on the sides (we'll add AR to the door next time we order some).
Here's another view:

We bought the jersey and cleats at auction at the start of the football season and have been looking for the "perfect" frame since.
It measures 32x40x6 and has AR glass on the sides (we'll add AR to the door next time we order some).
Here's another view: