Shop style...Country or Contemporary??

Dr. A

Grumbler in Training
Jul 13, 2005
Just curious, what is your shop style? I have listed the two most popular I can think of. In our region of Appalachia, country is very popular with gift/art/craft shops. I am not a fan of that style, but one side of me says "why argue with success". The other side would like for my new shop to stand out and be styled in a more modern and contempory tone. So what style is your frameshop with your added on merchandise lines?
Dr. A
I have tryed to stay away from Country, although I have a few country artist like Linda Nelson Stock in my shop. I've tryed to stay Classic.
Oils in pastural scenes, Lots of wide Gold Leaf frames and Contempary paintings.

But my #1 selling artist is Robert Tino who does our Smokey Mountains. So his work is a little on the country side you might say, But "High Country" as designers like to call it. Not Wal-mart country. There is a difference.


I was hired to help open a shop. I am choosing an "updated" look, even though I have been told the people in the area are "country bumpkins". Clean lines look more professional to me than any other style. There will be plenty of distressed, country style frames on the wall and photo frames to pick from, though.

BTW, my own shops were simple in style.
Eclectic, just like my home. Walls are white. Floors are blond oak. Most of the fixtures my grandfather built for our first store in 1911. Some I have stripped and refinished, others are painted Almond and with maroon accents. Have a few antiques (Old oval mat cutter, old addressograph machine, old victorian red velvet covered chair, antique clock, etc.) as accents and a few Italian style Tables. Lots of windows with natural light.

I am not a gallery any longer and just do custom framing.

Dave Makielski
Since our shop is located on our farm, we have a "workshop" look. Our's is definitely a "destination" location and folks seem to love the idea that they have "found" us. You know, sorta like "going to the craftsman's workshop and poking around..."

(Actually, that is what they do...)

Actually, as I refer to alot of the mouldings - transitional!!! Bridging the old with the new!!

Fickled would define my store, too.

Mostly contemporary - but eclectic. All walls are rich colors except for the frame sample wall - neutral.

I have a bit of each displayed. Not the vintage or very traditional, though I can do this.

From the street the appearance is more upscale but not to the point where it might scare framing newbies away. Very approachable and welcoming.
Definitely contemporary. One wall is purple. One's yellow. Funky and fun.
We wanted our shop to feel like a living space. You may think that painting the walls limits what you can hang on it. Not if you frame to the piece! You'd be surprised what works on a yellow wall!
Definitely contemporary. One wall is purple. One's yellow. Funky and fun.
We wanted our shop to feel like a living space. You may think that painting the walls limits what you can hang on it. Not if you frame to the piece! You'd be surprised what works on a yellow wall!
OK, I messed up!
What I wanted to say was that sounds a little like my place - I started carrying art supplies for the university students and painted the walls purple, red, yellow, neon green, and hot pink. Made curtains out of batik type fabric(red, green, and yellow) and hung an oversize Belushi Animal House B/W poster. It sold last month - I replaced it with "The Scream" for the time being but I need something better for when school starts again. Any ideas? :cool:
PERFECT!! (Sorry, didn't mean to shout!) I haven't seen that poster since 1985 - a glass company/framing shop had it in their window! We've come a long way! Not?! :eek: :eek:
Have a look around in other shops in your area. (Not nescessarilry framing). The most succesful shops what do they have. What works in one area does not work in another. If your in the shop to have a business, then you need to have atmosphere and goods which sell. In our town country sells. Its not what I like but it sells.
There is an actual magazine for those considering the Country Look. It is called Country Business. I take it although we are not by any means country. I also take CNA (Craft and Needlework Age) and some others I forgot. I even PAY to take Martha Stewart Living. All this allows my staff to keep their eyes trained toward what is most popular at the moment. (Architectural Digest is just not Hagerstown at the moment, but we'll get there...)
Originally posted by JudyN:

or maybe not....
Yup. The best dang Mayor a city ever had.

That is/was Portland. OR very own Mayor Bud Clark.

He would be my choice for mayor again. He owned/owns a bar, rode/rides his bicycle everywhere, and he has a no-mess-around attitude of take care of maintanence first before you get any new dang-fool ideas about how to spend money.

Sorry for the Frankenthread...

ahhhhhh, a little bit country, a little bit frumpy city, a little bit not so cutting edge Craftsman....

But with a store name of Americana Frame... :D
i think it's important to create a space where you feel comfortable. you will be there all the time, and you're the image of the shop. my place is in a room off a patio in a 17th c. house. i share the building with galleries and everyone has
designed his/her space individually. mine is simple and elegant , and the few pieces of art i have hanging stand out from fresh white walls. the samples are on grey carpet, same as on the floor. use the architecture. themes seem so limiting.
Lot's of good suggestions! Fortuna, I really like your idea of accentuation of the architecture. I think that could really play into the overall "feel" of the shop. I wonder if anyone has tried the modern/contemporary approach in a more "country" market? I know at the the gift trade shows, country is certainly "in".