Ship's Wheel Clock


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
May 27, 2005
Whistler, BC
Cross stitched clock on dark mahogany. Sorry for the poor lighting.



Was the wheel frame made specially for the needle art? Or did you adapt the pattern to fit the frame? And last but least, AWESOME !!!!! Is it a working clock or just decorative? I have a few customers who have boats who would love this.

I was wondering too if it's a special made frame or an adapted wheel? I know lots of sailors do crosstitch too so it should prove popular. It's nice to be able to see some of the detail but the image is so big only half of it fits on my screen at a time. Is that Baers fexible fillet I see?
The design for this ship clock is stitched in 14, 10 and 8 counts Aeida, since most of our customers prefer 10 cts ( sample above..), we make wheels measured 16 1/2" in diameter by the bulk, 14 cts which is seldom ordered is about 15" across, any differences in the actual size of the finished needlework can be adjusted with the mat opening. Terry, you're right. We ship these custom wheels for countless sailors around the globe who seem to have the knack for keeping their hands full during long hauls aboard.

Lori, Its a fully functional clock.

The outer mat is PH neutral vinyl mounted on 100% rag board. Inner mat is turquoise acid free solid core mat from Studland of Daler Rowney. I used flexible MIcroFillet for the raiser edge.

Tell me about the size of that was originally saved as a small file but came out humungous. What did I do wrong?
Raymond, when you change the size, you have to remember DPI isn't size.....

You did great on the amount of pixels... but you forgot to "size" the thing.

Where ever you changed the size, will have DPI [I like 72] and Height & width 7" or less works great for the G. So at 7x7 @ 72dpi, you get a 224kb pic. Or there abouts... but it will show 7" x 7"
I thought I was kidding about sailors. Baer?
Very nice work, Raymond. Just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of the vinyl mounted to the top mat? Is it for looks? Judging by the picture's reflection, there appears to be glazing of some kind, so it doesn't seem the mat would need any special protection.
:cool: Rick
Rick, the owner of this particular sample wanted something more durable to deal with moisture buildup which is not uncommon at sea due to changes in temperature and barometric pressure. With the vinyl mat, moisture and consequent molds can be easily brushed off and treated.