Shipping of CMC

Mr. T

True Grumbler
Sep 11, 2005
I have just order a Wizard 8500. It should be sent out within two weeks. Can anyone share their experience with how things were shipped? This unit is be shipped from Washington to Mid Ontario in Canada!
I ahd mine shipped to NY, I was alittle upset initially because the box was half ripped open for the board. I called them, they rassured me but I wouldn't touch it until the trianer came to install. There wasn't a single problem fortunately, its been a dream since.
As I recall, I spent about $700 ti have ny CMC shipped from the Seattle. (Regrettabley, it's NOT a Wizard.)

When it arrived, the driver asked me where my loading dock and forklift were. The last time anybody asked that was when I got my 40x60 Vacuseal press.

Somehow, the two of us got it to a protected and hidden spot behind my shop for the night. The next day, when Marvin from RCI arrived to set it up, we uncrated it and removed it from the stand, since the assembled unit would not fit through the door.

I recently spent nearly that much again to have it moved fifty miles to its new home.
Thanks for that information but has anyone out there ever brought one into Canada? Got a call from Wizard last week and was told I need a Broker! I can see that if I was buying but I am only renting at this point!
My first Wizard - the trucking company put a fork lift through the platen, then sneakily brought the box into the shop with the damage hidden against a wall, where my poor wife didn't see it. Bless Wizard - they replaced the unit and handled the claim against the trucker - no questions.

Mr. T - isn't the broker just to handle customs issues?

Pat :D
Mr. T, Pat is right. It's a Customs Broker, and ANYTHING that crosses the border requires a "Broker". [So "They" can capture "Their" fair share of revenue.}

When we ship FedUp, they act as their own brokers. But many "Shipping/Trucking" companies don't; and require you to provide your own broker.

At least US to Canada the language is similar.... most "Brokers" or "Freight Forwarders" crossing the southern, have to go get a guy out of the warehouse to "translate" into English...

And then the bills are never the same as quoted; and if you call about being overcharged, the one person who speaks english is "off today".

Don't get me started.
Originally posted by Mr. T:
Thanks for that information but has anyone out there ever brought one into Canada? Got a call from Wizard last week and was told I need a Broker! I can see that if I was buying but I am only renting at this point!
We're in southern Ontario...

Whether you're renting or buying, you're importing an expensive product. You don't need a broker as long as you can do the necessary paperwork yourself; I know some people who do their own paperwork ... we do not.

The large shipping companies (UPS, FedEx etc) each have their own brokerage facilities at each major border crossing. This means you shouldn't need your own broker, but you may want to have your own.

We've gone both ways at the border with products and have always used our own broker. Sometimes, it's been a breeze, other times ...
Oh, and by the way, Canadian customs are not always the "friendliest" when you act as your own broker; let's leave it at that.

I STRONGLY recommend that between you, your broker and wizard, you have all the paperwork "in order". Extra expense aside, you shouldn't have any problems.

Best of luck, and enjoy your machine when it arrives!

p.s. We've recently been using FedEx brokerage (not for shipping, only as a broker). My wife (the boss
) has been extremely happy with their service.

p.p.s. Going back to your original question regarding shipping...
We ordered our Valiani. The price we agreed upon was the price we paid. We got a call when the machine arrived. The dealer came, delivered, installed and set up the machine for us (n/c). The delivery guys were less than thrilled, as the machine went into my basement studio - it had to be completely disassembled to fit, and then reassembled; but they did it.
Thanks for the input everyone. I guess I am a little put off as Wizard said they would ship "Yellow Frieght" but have never heard of that in Canada. They called last week and told us that it was going to be delayed as they were waiting for parts and "OH, BY THE WAY" you now have to arrange for your own broker! Never have done that before but I guess there is always a first time.
Originally posted by markf:

Who was the dealer that set up your MatPro? Sounds like they did a great job!
The company is Triple Touch Moulding, Mark; and yes, they're a good one with whom to deal, even tho' they're relatively small.

Unfortunately, when Fletcher took over distribution of Valiani in North America, Triple Touch lost their distributorship; although they've obviously maintained a good and close relationship with Valiani, I'm not sure what is happening in this regard...

I also should mention that, fairly recently, our CMC stopped working. Tony, the owner of Triple Touch, dropped everything and came over to our house that same day. It turned out to be a very minor problem, but he analysed it for us and ordered the small part we needed. He also invited us to use his own machine if we needed (which we did, as we had a pile of framing to get out that day!). Much appreciated. Thank you Tony, and Triple Touch!

Lastly, just in case any fellow Grumblers need specific information on a "MatPro":

We don't have a "MatPro". Our model is the "Valiani Future" which was renamed the "Future Plus" after Fletcher started distribution (as they also now have a "Future Lite" with 50% less calories).