Baer Charlton
SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Many of you saw the wonderful thread last November about favorite presents. And the thread Frankened into all the girls wanting to be CowBOYS, which was started by this picture of Mar.
Here is the finished product.
Mat is saddle leather. Sorry, I'd tell you the tools used to carve it, but they are a set that I had custom made long ago. Except the "Vainer", it's a standard small by Tandy. The knife is a Ruby tip - extry narrow (custom ground to 1/2 width for deep undercutting of roses & other floral designs)
Fillet is Sterling Moulding TML-112 with a black wax buffered with ocer/umber rub.
Frame is Portland Bungalow with calaro walnut & turpine stain with a shellac and raw carnuba wax finish.
Brand is circa 1950s, and branding iron is 40watt laser.
Museum glass.
The customer is kinda happy with the results.
Here is the finished product.
Mat is saddle leather. Sorry, I'd tell you the tools used to carve it, but they are a set that I had custom made long ago. Except the "Vainer", it's a standard small by Tandy. The knife is a Ruby tip - extry narrow (custom ground to 1/2 width for deep undercutting of roses & other floral designs)
Fillet is Sterling Moulding TML-112 with a black wax buffered with ocer/umber rub.
Frame is Portland Bungalow with calaro walnut & turpine stain with a shellac and raw carnuba wax finish.
Brand is circa 1950s, and branding iron is 40watt laser.
Museum glass.
The customer is kinda happy with the results.