She MADE me do it.

Baer Charlton

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
May 24, 2004
Many of you saw the wonderful thread last November about favorite presents. And the thread Frankened into all the girls wanting to be CowBOYS, which was started by this picture of Mar.

Here is the finished product.

Mat is saddle leather. Sorry, I'd tell you the tools used to carve it, but they are a set that I had custom made long ago. Except the "Vainer", it's a standard small by Tandy. The knife is a Ruby tip - extry narrow (custom ground to 1/2 width for deep undercutting of roses & other floral designs)

Fillet is Sterling Moulding TML-112 with a black wax buffered with ocer/umber rub.

Frame is Portland Bungalow with calaro walnut & turpine stain with a shellac and raw carnuba wax finish.

Brand is circa 1950s, and branding iron is 40watt laser.

Museum glass.

The customer is kinda happy with the results.

I absolutely LOVE that picture of her. I can just feel for her - not having a holster. We just had to do what we had to do, didn't we?

Great job, Baer. The leather mat is exquisite.

Is there anything that Baer CAN'T do??? What a font of talent and creativity!!! Not to mention the BIGGEST HEART in the world! What a Sensitive New Age Guy he is!
Now I'll never be able to show my face in town again. Stop.

"New Age Guy"? Is that like a Metrosexual? or just a girl touch with his inner gorilla in spandex? :D

I grew up in the Western industry with tooled wallets, belts and handbags and the odd cowboy boot. and let me tell you, You did a fabulous job on that frame. the tooling on the leather looks great.I commend you!
Congrats on an excellent and creative way of framing!

keep smiling..
We are all but mere mortals in awe of the master.....

What a wonderful one of a kind creation....
Like all the rest of you, I'm "knocked out" w/your creativity Baer. The hand tooled mat is a beauty! Your choice of fillet is wonderful w/the overall package. BUT, none of it would've worked w/out that super photo!
Janet - you hit the nail on the head! It's the photo - BUT - it is actually Baer's ability to see a PHOTOGRAPH where I have always only seen a "snapshot" in my album.

I kinda thought Baer was nuts when he started going bonkers over the photo. But he has gifted me with the ability to look at it with new eyes.

My dad was a REALLY GOOD photographer with a crappy camera and he was totally underappreciated until towards the end of his life when he bought good cameras and joined a camera club and began taking even better photos.

I am so blessed that there were photographers like my dad and my grandpa in my family to document every little thing. It breaks my heart when customers come into the shop clutching their tattered treasures - "The ONLY picture of my mother when she was a baby" sort of thing.

SO - thanks Baer for opening my MIND'S EYE!!! I see an article in a framing magazine in your future!!!
Great job as usual Baer! I'm betting you just left out the part about raising the cow and tanning the leather. Terry
Mar, It could have been worse, Crappy photographer with a REALLY GOOD camera . . . we see those everyday.

I'm so happy I've opened your minds eye to see the emotion and depth of a photo, instead of tainted silver salts. Those people in photos that we frame everyday, are living breathing beings with each their own lives and stories to tell. WE just help them tell THAT story.

As for the Spandex.... what would my Jockey's be without spandex? Droopy Drawers... :D

Terry, I did not raise that steer nor tan it. That was a 9mo old steer that my sister raised, slautered and occationally will send her baby brother a wee bit of vegitable tanned leather.
'Course she wants another belt or purse.....

As for the wood of the frame, we have a few oaks on our property in Spokane.....
It's like we talked about in the "What a great day" thread - history is seldom appreciated by those who lived through it, or whose family it involves. It takes someone else to see the importance of it.

As for abilities - a great anything (framer, guitarist, photographer, etc) with even mediocre tools can do wonderful work, while no amount of expensive tools in the hands of a "wannabe" will count for anything!

Oh, and Baer, we have 40 logs waiting for the sawmill guy to come next week, only most of this will be for my house! Want to come help?

Originally posted by Baer Charlton:

As for the wood of the frame, we have a few oaks on our property in Spokane.....
I haven't been in the woods for a couple of months, but looking at the bark on that piece of firewood that you are holding....I don't think it is oak..Thinking Pine, or a young Douglas Fir. Been wrong before but the trees in the background don't look like Oaks either!!
Spokane? Just a short all day drive from here.
You're good James. All the Doug firs got chopped and sold as Xmas trees.

That in my hand is what the ignorante locals call "Black Pine". Of course another 5 years of growth and it becomes "Yellow Pine" (the bark lightens and it gets a heart wood).

Actually it's all "species 29" to the mill and on my tally sheets. All the pecker poles and tops don't pay squat to haul to mill so it makes great zig-zag fence or rip and board for rustic frames.

The two oaks disappeared about 4 months before this picture..... what's left is in my racks.