Cliff Wilson
Had a customer frame two prints -- Beginning of January. I dutifully called once a month for the past five months leaving my normal message ... "Your prints are ready ... my hours are ... etc." A month ago I also sent her a letter.
This week I decided I would just leave a message like this ... "Hi Jane (not her real name
), it's Cliff, call me back at 508 770-1270." She calls and says "who is this and why did you leave a number on my answering machine." I explain it is the frame shop and her pictures are ready. "Oh, I forgot. I'll be right in." And, she comes in within an hour and pays her balance in cash, pleasant as can be.
She acted like I'd never called before. I wasn't about to argue with her!
Guess ya gotta trick 'em!
This week I decided I would just leave a message like this ... "Hi Jane (not her real name

Guess ya gotta trick 'em!