shadowbox question...


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 20, 2005
I'm made quite a few shadowbox frames in my life where the glass sits in a slot and is supported that way.

Today was the first time I got the "standard" shadowbox moulding and i'm just curious how you attach the glass to the inside of the lip without using 3 inches of ugly spacers?
Cut strips of matboard adhered to foamcore equal to depth needed. Invert frame. Insert glass. Pinwheel mat/foam strips trimmed to length. Use dots of PVA in conjunction with ATG to attach strips to frame.
Well, you could use the "S-word" to hold it in but a much better method is to use strips of the same matboard that you use for the backing along with matching strips of foamcore to hold the glass in and provide the needed space for the object being framed.

First measure the needed spacing from the glass out to where the backing board will be attached in the shadowbox. Allow for the thickness of the backing and back matboard and cut strips of matboard and foamcore to this width and just short of the length of each leg of the shadowbox. Attach the strips of matboard to the strips of foamcore and attach these to the inside of the frame legs in a staggered manner after you clean and install the glass.

I use short strips of ATG to hold the mat to the foamcore along with any good PVA white glue to permanently bond the strips together. (The ATG is there to hold the strips together until the PVA dries.) You can also hold the strips to the shadowbox legs in a similar manner.
