Shadowbox project


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 12, 2003
North Carolina - Picture Framing Capital of the Wo
Another WW2 framing project:

Distinguised Flying Cross w/ 3 oak leaf clusters, Air Medal (4 OLCs)....

and the penny that saved his life.

He won the toss to see who went on a mission, and the other guy died when his plane crashed. Flew 31 bombing missions over Europe when it was statistically impossible to survive flying more than 25. A true American hero.

We found a 1944 penny for inclusion - at the customer's request. Kassandra's brother is a WW2 buff and had one as part of his collection. He gladly gave it up when we told the story. The project turned out just as we wanted (tears all around when the customer picked it up today).

Thanks to Jim Miller and his shadowbox class - it turned out to be useful for this piece.

This is why we enjoy framing - being able to be a part of things like this.
Edit to repair image link. Lance

[ 11-28-2004, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Lance E ]
Tony, the picture needs to be posted or "Hosted" somewere else on the web; such as Photobucket, which is free.

You can cut and paste stuff in your computer because it is hosted on your harddrive.... but not on the net.

Maybe you can send it to Ron and he can get it back in..... sure want to see it; I'm getting tired of looking at child art... :D
I think he has it hosted. If you can't figure it out soon email me the pic and I'll post it later today.
After a little further looking I think I had selceted the wrong image the first time I repaired your link. If the current one is incorrect please let me know.

You almost had it! If you click on your image in the album and then right click and go to properties on the displayed image you can copy the URL and paste it into the link.

If anyone cannot see this image please let me know.
Nice shadowbox, Tony!

I don't know what went wrong with your URL as I didn't get to check it before Kiwi fixed the path but you need to be very careful when trying to type it into your post. It is much easier to do as Lance suggested and call up the image, copy the URL, and paste it into your post. That way you won't get an accidental space or period at the wrong place which will negate the URL and make it unavailable to others to view.

Tony, I think he posted the pic of "before" you covered it with the tan kakai cloth..... :D

It was nice to see that you included not only the bars, but the "wife's honor bar" as well.

It's rare that people even hang on to the honor bars.
Well, I didn't expect this to turn into a primer on posting. I've posted before with no problems. I did as Lance suggested, but got nothing. Oh well.

Thanks to everyone who got my picture up - Lance, Jay, et al.

Ths customer called today after sharing with the family and kids - this was a very special project to be involved with. THIS is why we frame.
Kassandra wants to be me. That is why she copies my work.

Anyway it is a nice job. I particularly like the way some of the pieces are recessed and some aren't. It’s real comfortable to look at.
Roma moulding?
It looks a lot like a Larson profile to me.

Please tell us what it is.
It is very nice, Jay. I love that moulding.

Baer, I've never heard those little bars called the "wife's honor bar". Do you know if there is a story behind that?
just a quick message

1:nice frame wish i could do that
2: for image posting try

u upload the pic then take a note of the web address supplied then cut and paste in your post

hope this helpsss

Hi Joe90

If you want to learn how to shadow box like that, all you got to is come to one of my classes. I told you that last week.

Moulding is Roma's Palio - 2" or so - not sure of the profile number since I'm not at the shop. Mat is C7526 and AR glass. Mylar straps and tulle to hold everything in place.

We use LOTS of Palio, especially for old, vintage stuff like this. Combining profiles make for easy stack designs, the finish is easily manipulated (we'll refinish bare wood to match when necessary) and it "fits" for designs like this.

Thanks for the kind words.

Nice job.
Next time you might want to put the Pilot wings above the ribbons as worn on the uniform.
For proper placement of ribbons & medals you may want to buy the book :
The decorations, medals,badges and insignias of the United States Army
by Col.Frank Foster
There is also one available for each branch of the service.

Even though you are designing an esthetic presentation please don't forget appropriate military guide lines for display.
we too use lots of Palio, altho not the golds, but others in the line. Now I've gotta call Roma for those gold samples. Will do when they reopen in Jan.

Great job and great look.
Hiving retired after 26 years in the Navy and having earned a number of awards, I never heard of the small bar being called the wife's honor bar.

I think you are referring to the tiny bar above the medal and ribbon just below the picture. It is metal and looks like the associated award (I think it is an Airman's Medal but we don't have one the same in the Navy).

My belief is that the small representation of the medal was to be worn on the service person's civilian attire.

Nice job on the framing! Did you use more than one profile or just deepen and back up the moulding with a plain wooden stringer?


Kassandra, I like the idea, being ex-military myself. The only thing that I see, that kinda catches the eye, is that some of the bars and pins are mounted crooked. Not saying that you don't take pride in your work, but this is quite noticeable.