Shadowbox moulding for a violin


True Grumbler
Feb 21, 2006
Wondering if anyone has stumbled on a single shadowbox moulding with a 5" deep rabbet? LJ573 series is only 4". We have a violin to frame and customer would prefer a single frame to stacking, however stacking ideas would be helpful as well. Thanks so much!
An acrylic box would allow an improved view of the instrument from all sides, and give it better illumination, too.

Gemini Moulding is Chicago has several deep mouldings that might serve your purpose.

Gemini also can build a "Gravity Groove" acrylic box to your specifications, which opens/recloses in cases where the items need to be removable.

Bungalow Frames #224-6-0127 10-15 weeks closed corner.
Rip 1x6 to depth needed, build a frame and paint with a semigloss black. Build the same size frame using Stratavarius or similar moulding and bisquit join or piano hinge together. In our case, the violin had to be removable for family get-togethers.