Shadow box


True Grumbler
Jan 21, 2004
Lansing, MI
Hi to All!
I bought some old billard balls (1940's) last week and I want to use them in a display shadow box framing :D . Call me crazy, but I love doing shadow boxes.
Did any of you framed billard balls before?
I have some differnt ideas, how I want to frame them (not glued or screwed, green suede mat...).
Please,let me see and read your ideas...
I will not copy your framing!!!!

P.S.: If you like to see 3 of my many shadow boxes, please go to my webpage and click on C.A.T. Framing (misspelling on my pages are from a friend in Japan, German like me, who is helping me with my pages and errors happends.. work in progess

Thanks ahead for all responces!!

[ 02-11-2004, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: TheCat ]
I seem to remember a "cue head" that framed a set of billiard balls not too long ago!

Do a search of the archives and you may stumble onto his thread. He's kinda touchy about people saying anything about his framing so be gentle with him. :D


[ 02-11-2004, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Framerguy ]
Thanks found the thread and I got some ideas on mounting them, but I had a differnt display idea and hoped somebody did pool balls, poolstick and other pool related items in a framing? I'm thinking of doing a copy of a billard table corner (incl. make believe pocket) with the balls 'scattered' in the framing.