September 1919 Framing Magazine on E-bay

Marc Lizer

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
North Hollywood, CA
Ebay Framing magainze auction link



And the copy from the auction page for those afraid to click links is:

It was published on September 1, 1919. Volume LVI, # 9. Published monthly, the subscription price, listed on the cover was $1.50 a year. (the publication was established in 1880)

The copy on the cover states the Magazine’s mission:

The mission of this journal is to work for greater efficiency in Store and Shop, and for the INCREASED SALE OF PICTURES.

It measures 10 x 12, and is in great condition. Not moldy or tattered. It is vibrant and clear.

The ads are great, as you can see by the pix.

The ad for Gutmann & Gutmann tells of the hardship of The Great War, and increasing prices. And how they need to raise prices from 1.50 to 1.75.,

There are ads for Crescent and Bainbridge, and Culver Art and Frame (selling trays and paintings on glass). As well as other companies long gone, like Klicka Mouldings, and Star Moulding Co.

There are articles on:

Trade Conditions: the state of art and framing.

An article lamenting that some sellers have begin offering discounts during the month of August to bring in business.

An article on Selling Pictures (how to sell well)

A long article on how to lay out a nice shop and having special events.

An article on Lamps in the Gift Shop

A long article on “Customer Types”

An article on “Some Qualifications of the Successful Traveling Salesman” He talks about his customer and salesman types.

An article on “The Unframed Picture Stock” It looks at “arrangements for handling, and prevention from losses”

There is a page of “New York Jottings of Current Interest,” about the framing and picture trade in New York

Of particular interest is the section called: “Correspondence from Near and Far” This is where readers write in. There is a great rant on “Wages in the Picture Frame Industry,” As well as one guy wrote in about his incentive program. And other really cool opinions and news.

There is an article on “How to Handle Some Odd Jobs: An Old Picture Framer Gives a Bit of His Experience” Priceless gems of info in here on finishing, mitering and joining.

The want ads are fascinating to read.

I could scan and get you all of the actual copy, but then why would anyone want to buy it? I have taken lots of pix so you can see exactly what you are bidding on. E-mail me for any close-ups, or areas of clarification you wish to know.

A very cool piece of the history of our trade. Great to frame for your shop, or to use as source material.

Bid early and bid often.

Hopefully that has intrugued you enough to want to bid on this cool item. The link for the click impaired is

In the interest of full disclosure, I am badframer, and this is my item, and this is an attempt at shamelss self promotion of the item. After so many years, there is just too much stuff to hold on to. This is the kid of stuff that framers (like me and you) love, and never see.

Of course posts and discussion here is encouraged, but bidding is welcome too!
Why would I want to make your junk, my junk?

Wanna buy some of my junk for Less?
For all of you observant folks out there, what he's got here is a copy of DECOR, during one of its earlier names. DECOR's been in continuous publication since 1880--next year is our 125th anniversary.

Now when you hear that people hang onto DECOR for years, you can believe it!


[ 02-03-2004, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: johntaff ]
( in reply to Less)

Perhaps I just have better junk?

Or at least more desireable on the junk tranferance continuum.

But if, as they say, less is more. I am trying to have less, and therefore, be more. I think that means be more like Less.

But if less is more, then, by totology, Less must bid on it to be more.

To maintain harmony in the universe and prevent space-time matter as we know it from collapsing upon itself, I think it is mandatory that you at least bid. If not then Duct Tape may rule the day, and Less will rue the duct tape.

[ 02-03-2004, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Marc Lizer ]
The scroll banner on the masthead reads:


Remember, this was at the height of the the depression. The articles are interesting, as they discuss selling not selling more, but selling items at a higher ticket.

In one place it says it says it takes the same amount of time to sell a poster for 50 cents, as it does to sell framing for 50 dollars.