KL Smith
CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Do you as a rule, offer senior's discounts? And if not, how do you reply when they ask for one? I'm not talking about the person that brings in an armful of pieces to be done. Just the regular type of customer.
I don't offer discounts to seniors as a rule, and most don't ask. However, it seems that the ones that do ask ask are always the ones that park their Caddy, Jag, Lexus or Mercedes right in the middle of my two car parking lot taking up as much space as they can
They are usually weighted down with enough gold and other assorted boubles to choke a horse.
BTW: Just so you don't think I'm the tightest cheapskate in the world, I do offer all police, fire and miltary personnel discounts, no matter if they are on the job or retired.
I don't offer discounts to seniors as a rule, and most don't ask. However, it seems that the ones that do ask ask are always the ones that park their Caddy, Jag, Lexus or Mercedes right in the middle of my two car parking lot taking up as much space as they can

BTW: Just so you don't think I'm the tightest cheapskate in the world, I do offer all police, fire and miltary personnel discounts, no matter if they are on the job or retired.