Send me your stickers!


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
May 8, 2000
Brooklyn, NY USA, Right Near Coney Island, The Bro
I've been collecting gallery stickers from the frames that I've taken apart over the last 20 years or so. I have quite a few of them, but I want more, more, more! Please send me one of your gallery's/frame shop's labels, and you'll get my thanks.
Send them to :
Seth J. Bogdanove, CPF
c/o Frame-It & Co, Inc.
767 Third Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Seth really wants your stickers to put on substandard work and then release them back into your area. Then he can come in and Bogdanofile the customers in the area with extreme makeovers. .
Sorry must be the drugs.....
Oh, sure, I'll send you one.

I can probably send one from The Frame Workshop, too. I keep a supply on hand for precisely the reason Jvandy mentioned earlier.

I'm gonna write "VOID" across mine, though, just in case.
I will send one out tomorrow. Any chance of taking a color picture of multiple labels and posting it to "The Grumble"?

As soon as I get enough, I will be framing them, and of course I'll take a picture of them! right now, I have labels going as far back at the 1920s and as recent as a year ago
Thanks to all who have sent me one, and advance thanks to all who will. I'm up to a solid 40 so far; and when I have the board filled up, I'll frame and photograph the collection and post it right here