seeking moulding supplier (or quit)


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 22, 2003
I am beginning a search for a new moulding supplier. Up to this point I have been exclusive with Decor.

I've had few difficulties with them. All were corrected to my satisfaction except the last one.

Customer is collecting a set of prints and each time he gets a new one he uses the same frame, #4503 (this story now sounds familiar to some who frequent the on-line chat).

I ordered two 4503 a few weeks ago. Received something that looked identical to 4506. Called. No problem. 4503 on the way, so I was told. When they arrived of course they looked identical to 4506.

We've done this three times now and now am told that that is 4503 (I don't buy that). They've changed manufactures. I said it is identical to the corner sample of 4506. No, she said, it may 'look' like it but it's not :confused:

I asked then is 4503 discontinued. No, she said, you received 4503. I asked, So it's okay that it doesn't look anything like what is in the catalog and it doesn't even come close to the corner sample?

She said, I said we had to change manufactures.

I said, then you need to change the numbers and discontinue 4503.

I don't know what to tell my customer . . . He's going to be very disappointed.

But I'm ready to look for a new supplier. Or close up shop. Considering the later quite heavily.

I'm a lowly basement framer. I'd like to have one supplier that could meet my meager needs.

I live in a rural area, as most know, and there are no reps or trucks running near me. I have to use UPS or FedEx. Shipping costs are brutal.(another reason to close up)

I can't get UV glass and have to use reg glass from the hardware store (another reason to close up).

If I can't satisfy my high expectations I'd rather close.

I don't feel I want to stay with Decor if they don't care what they sell is anything like they 'advertise'.

If a customer picks out a 2" light color/stained frame then they should receive a light color/stained frame NOT a 1 1/2" dark Cherry or Mahogany. . . correct?

any suggestions? idea?
Okay Rosalyn, here's my take on it.

I have never known any manufacturer to ever guarantee that their mouldings will look the same from batch to batch, let alone year to year.

I tell my customers this, too. If they have an ongoing series like your customer does, and they want them all to match perfectly, then the only choice is to order them all at once. I have many times ordered extra moulding and tagged it in my racks as their stash. And yes, they pay for it up front. That way they get today's price, I tell them. (They like that part) ;) I would never ever assume that the finish is going to be consistent from year to year- if it does, then that's a bonus. Have Decor send you new samples.

You're lucky it wasn't just unceremoniously discontinued.

As far as your other concerns...
Don't let this be a reason to close up shop! (there are so many other better reasons out there for that! :eek: ) They say that the only thing constant in life (and framing) is change. It's best just to roll with it and put your creative talents to work finding a workable solution (or another framer that has some 'old' 4503 stock...)

Speaking of other framers, is there one nearby-ish with whom you can batch up orders of UV glass or moulding? I do that with another shop or two and it saves us heaps in shipping.

Also, I don't know firsthand the frustrations of being a non-storefront framer, but I'd like to think that there are many other options out there for moulding suppliers. Check it out and see!

This is an interesting topic- I am curious about what the rest of TG'rs think about it.

edie the itsthenatureofthebeast goddess
"I have never known any manufacturer to ever guarantee that their mouldings will look the same from batch to batch, let alone year to year."

I don't expect them to match - but this is a bit on the side of ridiculous. They are only slightly similar....

"You're lucky it wasn't just unceremoniously discontinued."

In other words, it was discontinued . . . it's not even the same size . . .
Not a good reason to quit doing that which you love doing.
I would break the moulding sample in two, mail a piece directly to Decor and ask them to find it.
Sometimes these problems are caused by employees pulling the wrong stuff, binning it in the wrong place or plain just not giving a hoot.
You're communicating with a person that wears a headset and sits at a computer screen all day, they have no idea what exactly you're holding in your hand and what you actually need.
The Framing Goddess is pointing out that you need to find options to the situation you are in. Find another shop to buy with, expand your choice of vendors as there are many that will work with you even if you don't have storefront.
"Build it and they will come".
I talked with a 'supervisor' on the final straw.

I'm open to options .. .
I guess you weren't that lucky if the new version is indeed that different- it's as good as discontinued. It is curious that the width is that different, though. Usually when they tweak a moulding, the shape/size stays consistent. If they're that different it might be another type of goof- this might be worth looking into as puttyboy said. I would place a call to my rep- is that an option for you?

Time to get creative...
Rosalyn, we obviously know you're frustrated but there are ways out of it. The above suggestions are very good, especially finding and batching with others. Bob Victor is a very accommodating company. Bob actually drove a chop to me from Topeka one night because Framerica didn't get it to him on time for shipping. That's service. (I met him in Lawrence to prevent his having to make the whole trip.)

I, too, am home-based but eschew the word "lowly"
I'm surprised at Decor. Have you tried Omega? They carry a full line of nice mouldings and have a large range. I think their quality has changed dramatically for the better in the last few years, and their discounts are impressive. And Bob's line has lots of solid woods as well as some of their own designs and Framerica.

Stay tough. HBrs have some challenges that retailers don't, but they are not insurmountable. E-mail me if I can be of any help at all.

Cathie MM