Seattle Seahawks - Team Colors ???

Jul 13, 2003
Johnstown, PA
We've uncovered a devoted fan of the Seattle Seahawks secretly living in the land of the Pittsburgh Steelers and he has asked us to design and frame a signed Seahawks jersey.
At this point, he's not totally happy with our blue and green color selection as being accurate Seahawk colors ... he's willing to settle. However, before we proceed I wanted to ask our Northern Pacific grumblers what colors they use as Seahawk colors? Our design uses suede mats and rag mats; blue suede on top.
Suggestions are welcome.
We'll probably use a LJ black wooden 3" moulding ... alternatives are welcome too.
I would suggest that you contact the club and ask for the color codes (Pantone colors) for their logo. With that in hand you can get the color chips locally and see what board matches the best.

Remember there are thousands of color codes and we have a few hundred mat colors.
As an intellectual exercise, I went onto the Seahawks web site, and, oddly enough, I couldn’t find a downloadable logo. But I went to their “pro shop” and downloaded a team jersey (an image, at least, the jersey itself wouldn’t squeeze through my modem).

The color of the jersey (assuming that it was photographed accurately) appears to be closely related to PANTONE 609 CV. I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if the Seahawks had their own custom trademarked color, so 609 CV may be a little off. Converting that Pantone swatch to RGB, it appears to be RGB = 75: 101: 138.

If you have some kind of photo imaging program or a simple color picker fill the screen with the above color and compare it to your corner samples.

Nothing I have exactly resembles that 75: 101: 138 (and, of course, it will depend greatly on how you have calibrated your monitor, too), but the closest I could find from among my corner samples is Alphamat Flemish Blue (8534) or Crescent Country Blue (1656). Neither of them is exact, but it’s probably the best you can hope for.
New logo or old logo? I do not have the internet at work, call me at 206.363.2100 and I will try to help you.
Lynn Clark
Lake City Picture Frame