Searching the Web for.....


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
What am I doing wrong? Just for kicks, I thought I'd browse the Fletcher-Terry website. Thinking to get there the scenic route, I typed in Picture Framing Equipment. Nothing of relavance: certainly not a brand name of anything. Then: Picture Framing. Same result. Then a number of other things, including Fletcher-Terry. I can find nothing on any engine. What am I doing wrong??? (This isn't the first time. Must be me. But if I were trying to market, I'd be dead.)
Hi, Cathie - I went to HotBot, my favorite search engine, and typed in "picture framing equipment manufacturers" and got "fewer than 1000" hits. The tenth one listed, however, was a direct link to the Fletcher-Terry Company. The url for it is: . Also, since I know that you have ie5 (I assume you still do), you can go to your address bar and type in "" and hit your "enter" key or click on the "go" button next to the address bar, and it will take you straight to the page. Sometimes you have to put "www" in front of the requested url, but in this case it should work without it.
Download Copernic2000 from for an easy way of searching with about ten search engines at once. Leaves searching with one engine for dead!
Thanx for all the help: you guys can answer anything! can I be rich and beautiful? (Too late, you say?)

I will this very moment enter all those sites: thanx again for them all.

LT: yes, still have IE5 but am going to do Win98 soon, so who knows after that: it may be another vacation from the computer
Still trying to scan photos! to your question on how to become rich and might be asking the wrong you think we would be in framing shops and on this forum if we knew the answer to either question?? I don't think so!!!!