Internet Explorer has a built-in search function. Most likely, other browsers (like Netscape and Opera) do too. Here's how to use the one in IE to search for words, phrases or names in the topic list of a forum. (This will <u>not</U> search the body of the messages. Sometimes that's an advantage, and it's very fast.)
- Go to the topic list of the forum you want to search. </font>
- Use the pull-down menu on the upper right to change the number of day's message to show. If you make this number too high on the main Grumble forum, the topic list will not load at all. You'll have to experiement to see what your system will handle. On the other forums, you can probably load <U>all</U> the topics, or at least a year's worth.) </font>
- On the IE menu at the top, under 'edit', choose 'Find (on this page)' </font>
- Type in the word, phrase or screen name you're looking for (e.g. "Haiku") and click on 'Find' </font>
- If you're searching for multiple occurances of the word or phrase, make a note of the date of each post and then click on 'Find Next' </font>
- If you want to open and examine multiple topics from your list, use your browser's 'back' button or arrow to return to the topic list, <u>not</U> The Grumble's navigation keys. The latter will reset the number of day's posts to display to your default setting (from your profile) </font>