Searching for a wide honey oak moulding and...


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 12, 2000
Mansfield, Ohio
... matching fillet. I like the way LJ's widest Banister looks, but customer wants something lighter and with no decoration. Short of calling a local cabinet maker, I'm drawing a blank in regard to our suppliers.

We had a contractor recently who had his finish carpenters makes his oak frames. The problem with asking him though is that I wouldn't have any idea where to start with the pricing, and it all could get complicated.

Any ideas on other suppliers? Thanks.
You might have to finish it yourself. One source for raw oak is Xylo Moulding in Savannah, Ga.
How wide do you need it? Decor has some decent wide oak mouldings, as does Omega and Huneywood.

Try the Nurre Caxton "Woodland". There is a bare oak, and classic oak finish that may work for you. This line is available 1 1/2 & 2 1/2. LJ also has the "Mission" line which is 4 inches wide.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I would say she probably wants a 4" wide moulding. Why doesn't she just settle for the widest Banister? It's pretty and has a nice, beaded fillet.
Jana, if your customer is looking for "Craftsman" style, you can kiss off LJ. They don't know nuthin 'bout craftsman in china.

Call Picture Woods in Colorado they have four finishes in quarter sawn white oak... beautiful.
Picture Woods Ltd
5060 Chaparral Ct
Boulder,CO 80301-3594
Tel: (303) 530-4848
Fax: (303) 530-4040
(800) 321-6522

I sell quiet a bit of it in our shop.... but then I know quiet a bit about Craftsman Style... I've been making that furniture since 1972.