Search function


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Boy am I confused. I decided to add my comments to a discussion SOMEWHERE on the grumble about narrow matting, and I KNOW I saw it fairly recently, and I cannot find it! I engaged the search function and I entered "narrow mats, narrow matting, and 3/4" mats" and NOTHING comes up! Am I losing it? HELP!!!!
Make sure you specify "Search All Open Forums and Archives" under the forum to search (unless you're certain which forum you WANT to search.) By default, the function will search only whichever forum you happen to be on which you execute the search. I also find it helps to make the search words as general as possible to start. You can always narrow it down if you get too many results. You can also narrow the search by date if you're looking for a recent post.I think I found the thread you're looking for (along with 26 others) by searching for "3/4". It also shows up if you search for "narrow mat" instead of "narrow mats."

[This message has been edited by RonEggers (edited November 16, 2001).]
Ron, My Hero! Thanks for your answer, unfortunately when I clicked on that link I got a "Page cannot be displayed" message. Which forum? Which title? You know, before I got this computer, my most sophisticated piece of technology was my $15 calculator!
Sorry, Mar, I made a typo. Try clicking on it now. It's on Warped: Framechick's thread on "I hope I get a seat near the fire"
Ron, I think it only appropriate, that for my 200th posting to the Grumble, I give thanks to YOU for all of your enthusiastic contributions to this marvelous forum! God Bless Ron Eggers! (My Hero!) And God Bless Us One and All!