

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 18, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
My helper just completed a framing job using #NC73704 moulding.

I'm not sure what he did, says he did nothing, but the face of the moulding has lots of, not really scratches, but noticeable light marks (look like scratches but more surface then deep) I have tried using furnisher polish, doesn't work.

Any one know a way to save this job?

Thanking you in advance.
Try Old-English polish. It has a little color to it. If any thing false, call NC
Sometimes these finishes are affected by the shrink wrap they're bundled in.

If you have some very fine steel wool (0000 or 00000 or even 0000000000000000) and you're feeling adventuresome, try a very light touch to rub them out.
I've had no luck with finishes like those.

Buff it and the mat finish gets shiny

Rub it a little too hard and you will go right through the top coat.

Too? late now, but I will put a layer of painters tape on the frame before flipping it over. Don't try it on foil frames though. :eek:

If the marks were there, don't waste your time, get a replacement from Nurrie

[ 02-12-2004, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: lessafinger ]
TheCat - I will try the Old English Polish and see if it does better then the stuff I used.

Ron - uuuummmm, steal wool? I have used this on other items and it has worked for me. No real lose to try it on this moulding. Thanks

Less - OUCH...wink. I reorder the moulding today but still would like to save the frame.

Thanks all ;)