Originally posted by southernmoon:
I had a piece of scrap black mat I wanted to use to frame a picture for a freind. The matboard was scratched in all the wrong places. I took a piece of #000 stealwool and gently rubbed the mat diagonally in one direction. Then I went over the mat from the opposite corner. <font color=red> It gave the mat a cool etched look and the overall picture a richer look than regular matboard.</font>
And it probably gave you the satisfaction of knowing that you figured out a solution to an apparent problem so, I say to you, if it made you feel good and no harm came to anyone else by your sanding, then good for you!!
I tire of seeing post after post of somebody trying to enlighten others with little hints that they stumbled upon only to be berated for not using all their "business sense" and going for the most efficient methods of getting the job done. So what if you took a little too much time (by someone else's standards) to make that piece of scrap mat look good?? It's YOUR business and it's your tip and you are sharing it (or attempting to if others would allow it) with others.
I am going to chime in right here and now about this as I think that many of us have become too enamored with our "veteran" standing on this forum. We have all the answers all of the time and don't give some of the newer posters a chance to become comfortable with putting their opinions or ideas in print for fear of being stoned or tarred and feathered by somebody else who has posted a gazillion times.
C'mon folks, let's give everyone equal time here and see what the new minds have to offer us. I realize that southernmoon has been a member for a few years but I wonder why she hasn't posted more than a few times? Is she simply shy or was she afraid that somebody else would jump her case because of a difference of opinion or some "breach" of business protocol??
You continue to post, southernmoon, and don't be afraid to post some more of your ideas, OK?
Yeah, I'm a bit cranky this morning but I also needed to get this off my chest. It has been bothering me for some time now.
Thanks for the vent.