Salvaging scratched matboard


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Nov 10, 2002
Charleston, SC
I had a piece of scrap black mat I wanted to use to frame a picture for a freind. The matboard was scratched in all the wrong places. I took a piece of #000 stealwool and gently rubbed the mat diagonally in one direction. Then I went over the mat from the opposite corner. It gave the mat a cool etched look and the overall picture a richer look than regular matboard.

Any other ideas for salvaging matboards?
Sometimes I use real fine sandpaper (like the stuff that artists draw on for pastels) to smoothe out whatevers...

Usually it just pays to get a new sheet of matboard, though, because I have wasted an awful lot of time trying to "fix" a piece of matboard when I could have cut a new mat in seconds!

Scratched matboard can always be used as mounting board or backing board (for thin antique frames) or signs for your window! Or give it to a school!
Souhternmoon ,you may have discovered a cool effect in unique mat texture. But I agree with Framar. The time you spent to sane a mat ( which a entire sheetcost less than $10) doesn't began to coverthe shop time cost. Not to menmtion the frustration and stress if it hadn't worked ,along with the backup you may ahv ecaused in your completion rate.

The only reason to do this sort of thing is it is right at the deadline and there are no ways to get another mat delivered or picked-up. Even then I'd ask a friendly competitor.

But I wish you could post some clear pictures of your resulting innovation.
Originally posted by southernmoon:
I had a piece of scrap black mat I wanted to use to frame a picture for a freind. The matboard was scratched in all the wrong places. I took a piece of #000 stealwool and gently rubbed the mat diagonally in one direction. Then I went over the mat from the opposite corner. <font color=red> It gave the mat a cool etched look and the overall picture a richer look than regular matboard.</font>
And it probably gave you the satisfaction of knowing that you figured out a solution to an apparent problem so, I say to you, if it made you feel good and no harm came to anyone else by your sanding, then good for you!!

I tire of seeing post after post of somebody trying to enlighten others with little hints that they stumbled upon only to be berated for not using all their "business sense" and going for the most efficient methods of getting the job done. So what if you took a little too much time (by someone else's standards) to make that piece of scrap mat look good?? It's YOUR business and it's your tip and you are sharing it (or attempting to if others would allow it) with others.

I am going to chime in right here and now about this as I think that many of us have become too enamored with our "veteran" standing on this forum. We have all the answers all of the time and don't give some of the newer posters a chance to become comfortable with putting their opinions or ideas in print for fear of being stoned or tarred and feathered by somebody else who has posted a gazillion times.

C'mon folks, let's give everyone equal time here and see what the new minds have to offer us. I realize that southernmoon has been a member for a few years but I wonder why she hasn't posted more than a few times? Is she simply shy or was she afraid that somebody else would jump her case because of a difference of opinion or some "breach" of business protocol??

You continue to post, southernmoon, and don't be afraid to post some more of your ideas, OK?

Yeah, I'm a bit cranky this morning but I also needed to get this off my chest. It has been bothering me for some time now.

Thanks for the vent.

Amen Ron!

Yes SM could have bought another matboard and saved some time and effort. But now SM has a new skill, and isn't afraid to veer away from the normal staid framing that all (including the BBs) can do.

We all say find your niche and sell it, SM is starting that search! Look at Baer's copper thread. We've all framed diplomas, but god does that one look phenominal!

SM keep scuffing and keep sanding! We'll keep scoffing, but that is because we are too afraid to venture down that road less traveled!
Thanks for the reply framer guy. You're right about the number of posts I have made. Usually I search the archives and find the answers to my questions. But on the occasions that I have asked a question I get the usual "why are you asking such a dumb question" response.
I will keep using the grumble because the good does out weigh the bad. Even when I get "know it all responses" by a few, I eventually get answers that help.

As to the scratched mat tip, it took all of 3 minutes to get the etched effect. I believe framing is an art form if you'll take the time to step outside of the box and try a few things.
And, with that post southernmoon, you have officially become a Grumbler!!

(Muffled round of applause heard in the background.)

Uh, Bob, uh,......... I don't know how to break this to you but, ............... Ron is another of our infamous "gods"!

I was given the name of "Thomas" at birth but usually go by the nickname of "Tom".

(Kinda like "Ron" but different, eh?) :cool:

Anyway, I understand the confusion, we both own large dogs and we both are a brick short of a full load sometimes so it is easy to mistake one of us for the other.

(FYI, I am quite a bit more handsome and agile and I don't get lost as much as Ron.)

Honest mistake...not too many picture framing gods around here.

Ron...Tom...both short names, both framing gods...

One important difference...Tom can start a fire with moulding scraps and not hurt himself or others in the process.
Probably has something to do with air circulation.

Oh, yeah, Southernmoon, keep asking questions and sharing tips.
Sorry, uh, Framerguy,

I messed up, didn't mean to insult you!

I saw the liberal use of
thumbs up, and just thought it was Ron.

Forgive my mistake, but realize that I did it out of respect, not malice! I usually post before reading the whole thread, but I don't often post without reading the previous poster's name! I'll try not to do it again.
Not a problem, Bob, you have displayed proper humility and begged with vigor for mercy so the order for indentured servitude will be dismissed and all is again copacetic in the framing universe. :cool:

(Gotta remember to quit usin' that little thumb guy!)

Quote from Deb:

One important difference...Tom can start a fire with moulding scraps and not hurt himself or others in the process.
Probably has something to do with air circulation.

Yeah, smoke follows beauty, .............. my one saving grace, handsome but lacking in beauty!

Enough of that, what we all really want to know is where was the goddess all that time, and what really happened to the canoe?

(You two should really take this to Warped).
southernmoon--appreciate the tip. Listen to the encouragement. I've only been grumbling a few months (3, I think) and believe me, it's not always pretty. But I keep posting. A lot of my questions may seem dumb to the pros who have been at this for awhile (framing, not grumbling), but I am pretty much a novice compared to the gods around here. Don't let that intimidate you. The pros weren't born that way. A dumb question is the question you never ask.

Framerguy--I appreciate your post so much. I still have some tar & feathers in my hair. That's ok, though. I can't begin to tell you how much knowledge I have gleaned from the G.

Yeah, Tom and Deb, go get a room........but first do tell us what happened to the Goddess and her canoe.......
Oh, and great tip Southernmoon, don't be a stranger...............there are no stupid questions.
Mecianne ;I resemble that remark,"The pros weren't born that way. " If I can dare call myself a pro,I am as dumb now as when I was first introduced into this industry. LOL

But I don't feel my comments nor any of those who agreed ,was ment as a slight .It was intended to give southernmoon the benifit of the dumb things I have done in the interst of saveing material at the expense of the entire job.

But as I did say at the end "I do hope southernmoon can supply detailed pictures "Since I am always interested in learning a NEW effect from anyone willing to TEACH.

It is my firm belief that not agreeing with someone doesn't indicate that I think their opinion is worthless or even wrong,just different and unknown to me.

For the rest check Ellen's sign off ,I don't even have an original one of those.LOL
PS Tom et al.I didn't even check to see how many post SM had made .It doesn't have anything to do with how I answer anyone ( 1 post or 10000) I feel we are all the same.After all with only screen names to go by a complete neophite to TFG could be the most talented person around .
Nah, Buddy. I didn't see your post as a slight, but framerguy is right in that some people do have a condescending air about their posts. But to give them the benefit of the doubt ( i can't believe I am) I guess they see alot of repeat stuff around here. Only thing is...not everyone's been around as long. SO, it's all new to us. Being spoon fed has never been my thing. But being treated like an imbecile isn't either.

BTW, Buddy, I don't think you have ever tarred & feathered me . And I totally agree with the neophite thing.

Happy Happy Joy Joy
Hey, southernmoon, I like the sanding idea. If we can alter moulding finishes to suit our needs, why not mats too? Next step to try would maybe be masking off part of the surface before sanding to get a tone-on-tone patterned effect.
This process would prob. be especially effective on metallic surfaced boards, since they tend to be "self-sanding" anyway.
;) Rick
Gosh-a-rooney, Framerguy - I sincerely hope Southernmoon didn't view my response as pulling rank! I certainly didn't mean to, if it sounded like it.

I think it's one thing to come up with a new matboard effect to show as an addition to our arsenal - but I would not want to try to pass off something unusual to a customer who was expecting a nice flat boring black mat!

Good grief, I am the queen of asking really dumb questions on this board and I hope I have not offended you, Southernmoon!!! Keep on posting!!!

Good grief.
if you just wet a paper towel very slightly and rub it, it usually goes away if it isnt a horrid mar.